Chapter One

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Kat's POV:

That morning started out like any other morning. I woke up, shook my fiancé awake, and then collected my son out of his crib. I walked down stairs Jason in my arms and put him in his high hair. I then set about the kitchen, making breakfast for my family.

My fiancé and I were only nineteen, but even before I got pregnant at eighteen, I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him. Our son came sooner than planned, but I wouldn't change anything.

"Alright, I'm off to work," Jeff, my fiancé, said. I gave him a kiss. When I pulled away, the power shut off. I glanced up at the dark lights with a sigh.

"Well, this'll be a fun day," I huffed. Jeff laughed at me. A small smile touched my lips. Jeff had such a magical laugh. The only thing that topped it was Jason's giggle.

"I'll see you later tonight. Maybe the power will be back on by then," he teased. I playfully smacked his chest.

A scream ripped through our neighborhood, followed by gunshots and what sounded like... howling. My son started crying. I looked over my shoulder to see Jeff peeking out the window as I retrieved Jason from his high chair. He reeled back, covering his mouth with the back of his hand like he'd seen something awful.

"We have to go," he told me with a shaky voice. I didn't understand why, but fear ripped through my veins. I hiked my bawling son up on my hip and followed Jeff out the back door. The sounds of screaming, both men and women, surrounded us.

"What is going on?!," I shouted at him.

He opened his mouth to answer me. But before any words could cross his lips, a gigantic blonde wolf jumped in front of us. My eyes widened in panic as it snarled. The thing's fur was covered in blood around its mouth and chest. It's teeth were enormous and dripping saliva.

Jeff stepped in front of us in a defensive manner. He yelled at it and flailed his arms, trying to scare off the creature. It growled, crouching low. I grabbed his belt and tried to pull him back, but the wolf launched at us. I screamed at it landed on Jeff, tearing at his throat with its teeth while claws held him down.

The force of Jeff being knocked down caused me to topple over as well. I managed to scramble back, but I felt frozen as I watched the wolf rip into Jeff.

Blood coated everything around him and trickled out of his mouth. He gurgled something I couldn't understand, then he stopped struggling. A loud scream from my son forced me back into action. I jumped up and ran back inside. I took a moment to lock the door behind me. I ran through the house towards the front door when I heard the back door crack down. On a stupid reflex, I looked back to see the blonde wolf barreling through the house. I screamed again, somehow managing to get through the front door as my son wailed in my ear.

I turned white at what I saw. People were running, being chased by either half man- half wolf creatures or outright wolves. A lot already lay dead on the ground.

I turned towards my car, intent on escaping the chaos, but a man in my neighbor's yard was frantically waving me over. I ran towards him thinking he could help get us out of here.

Just as I reached him, a snarl spread across his lips. His form morphed into that of a half man- half wolf thing. I tired to do a one-eighty and run, but he reached out and caught my son by one of his little arms. He pulled and ripped my son out of my arms and into his.

"Jason!," I screeched, reaching for him. But the creature took off at a speed I'd never be able to match.

I didn't have time to grieve, I realized as my eyes wildly scanned the scene around me. I ran back to the car, tearing at the door handle in my haste to get in.

When I finally managed to get seated, I desperately searched for the key Jeff usually left in here. I never understood why he did, but but today I didn't question it as I pulled it out of the center console.

I shook so bad I could hardly get the key into the ignition. After several attempts, the metal finally slipped in and I turned. The car made a revving sound, but the starter didn't turn over. I twisted again, coming up with the same result. Why wouldn't it start?!

"No, no, no," I cried, tears leaking out of my eyes. I glanced out my window, and absolute terror turned my rapidly racing blood to ice. Not even twenty feet away, a grey wolf stared intently at me. It stalked forward. Baring its teeth.

My attempts to start the car returned with a frenzy. I stomped on the gas pedal, wrenching the key forward. All the while I stared with blurry eyes at the approaching wolf.

Just as the wolf coiled to spring, my car roared to life. I jerked it into reverse and my tires squealed in protest when I floored it. When I cleared my driveway, I slammed it into drive.

The wolf rammed against my car. I swerved, but managed to right the tires before I crashed into anything. I jammed the gas pedal down to the floor again, and sighed in relief when I began to pull away from the bloody neighborhood.


I don't know how long I drove before I finally pulled over. I felt secure in the wooded area I currently parked in, so I just sat, staring at nothing. I tried not to think of the people I'd passed when I drove through town. All of the dead bodies.

I looked down at the steering wheel numbly, unsure of what to do now. My hands rested idly beside the horn, and my eyes zeroed in on my ring finger. The sight of my engagement ring cracked me open. Tears leaked down my cheeks and my breath became short.

I'd just lost everything I'd ever known, everything I'd ever loved. What was I supposed to do now?


I bolted upright on my makeshift bed. I looked through the hole in the ceiling to see the beginnings of a new day and rubbed a hand through my short, dark brown hair. Even after five years, that nightmare still haunted my fitful sleep.

Knowing that sleep would be impossible after that dream, I got up and packed all my valuables, and then picked up my compound bow. I checked to make sure the chain around my neck still sat there. I calmed when I felt the familiar weight of my ring. I no longer wore it on my finger, afraid it would slip off. My fingers were skinnier now.

After I had the last of my belongings stuffed into my pack, I lightly stepped through the run down house. I had to watch where I placed my feet, or else I'd end up falling through the floor.

In the hallway, the floor was a little more stable. The walls' paint had chips everywhere, but I could lean against them without having to worry about falling through. This hallway had to be the sturdiest place in the house.

I stopped in front of a mirror casually placed on a wall and examined my hair. The inch long strands stood up on end. I didn't bother trying to tame them. I used to have long, shiny locks of gorgeous hair. But after a run with a few human males about four and a half years ago, I'd realized they needed to go. Short hair was safer.

I looked into my green eyes and sighed. There used to be such happiness and life in them. Now, they only held grim determination.

I used to have a soft rounded face and be a little bit overweight. But after five years of this life, my face had slimmed out, looking more sharp and defined. My cheekbones stood high and proud, and my cheeks were flat instead of puffy. I still had nice plump lips and a straight nose.

My body was in shape as well. I was toned with strong muscles that could lift some serious weight, but I didn't look like one of those female body builders. I still had curves. I had to be at least a hundred and forty pounds of muscle. I flexed for fun and watched as my muscles bulged in my arms.

I shook my head at myself and continued down the hall. I paused at the corner, where the hall emptied out into what I imagined to be the living room, and looked around the room. The coast seemed pretty clear from what I could see out the windows, but I still crouched down to avoid them. Wolves tended to avoid cities and towns, but that didn't mean they wouldn't be roaming the streets.

I knocked an arrow as I took a precautious step forward. The arrows had broadheads on them, sharpened to cut through the toughest animal hide. I'd downed countless wolves with these bad boys. But my supply was getting low, and I needed to find a sporting goods store soon.

Once by the door, I took a moment to crack it open and peak up and down the road. Satisfied that everything was quiet, I walked Into the daylight.

I didn't want to be here, in this town. Back here, only a few houses down, was where my tiny world came to a crushingly brutal standstill. I was headed back to where my son had been taken from me. I hoped there would be something here to help me find him.

As I approached the very yard, my heart sank with dismay and my shoulders slumped. The ground looked torn up and smelled like piss. If I had to guess, I would say a territorial confrontation occurred no more than a few days ago. Which meant that wolves could still be here. I'd have to be extra careful.

I looked to what used to be my front door. There were, hopefully, still things in that house that would be useful to me. I didn't really want to go in there, but at the same time, part of me wanted to see what had happened to my home.

When I walked through the threshold, sadness made my heart drop even further. Someone had ransacked the place. My couch was flipped over on its back, the walls were bare, and random objects littered the floor.

I took a step forward. Glass crunched under my boot and looked down to see Jeff's smiling face looking up at me. I picked up the picture and sighed sadly to myself. He stood there with our sone cradled in one arm, and his other holding me close. Jason was just a month old.

I tucked the picture into a side pocket and continued towards my old room. It didn't seem that much had been touched back here, and for that I thanked my lucky stars. At least now I had some new clothes to wear.

I found a pair of tight fitting jeans from my high school years, and a clean white shirt. I then stuffed some more clothing into the second pouch in my backpack, and left the room. On my way out, I spotted one of Jeff's favorite hoodies draped over a chair. I lightly touched the thick material. After a few seconds, I snatched it up and stormed passed my son's room. I couldn't bring myself to go in there. It was hard enough seeing Jeff's belongings, I don't know how I would handle seeing Jason's.

I picked up the pace, bolting out the door and down the street. I made a vow as I ran. I wouldn't return to that place.

I realized too late, that I'd made a fatal error before leaving the house. I didn't check to make sure the area was clear. Looking over my shoulder, I saw a group of four wolves that were fast approaching me. I pushed myself to go faster as adrenaline pulsed through my veins.

I knew I didn't have a chance of out running them. I pulled my knife out of its sheathe on my belt. I ran until they were only a few feet behind me, then did a baseball slide. They ran right over me, and I sliced at the closest one. I heard the beast yelp.

I stood, bringing my bow and arrow up. They turned back around, running straight at me. I pulled the arrow back, took a second to aim, and let the arrow fly. A darker colored wolf fell to the ground with a thud. Two of the others went to check on him while my hands knocked another arrow.

A wolf that looked like a Siberian Husky stopped a few paces from me. I pulled my bow string back in warning. He squinted at me, as if trying to see me better. Something that looked like recognition flashed through his eyes. He snarled at me, but turned away dismissively as he went to check on his downed buddy.

Realizing that this wolf wouldn't attack me, I stayed my hand, slowly letting the string ease back into place. For whatever reason, he spared me, and I felt obligated to return the favor, even though I wanted to let my arrow loose.

I settled into an easy jog as I turned back in the direction I'd come from, carefully skirting the wolves at I did so.

My next stop was for the local sporting goods store. If it hadn't been completely stripped yet, I'd be in good shape. I couldn't afford to waste anymore arrows now, especially after I nailed that wolf. I seriously doubted he'd be getting back up. I didn't play around when it came to those beasts.

After walking for a good mile or so, I started to become edgy. I felt as if someone was watching me. Glancing around, I slowly pulled my hunting knife back out.

The sporting goods store came into view, and I jogged to the entrance. The doors were already broken, so I wouldn't make any noise getting in. I took one more good look at my surroundings before I went in. I really didn't want to get cornered while I replenished my resources. I figured I'd end up taking the back way out anyway to avoid possible threats.

After clearing the doors, I noticed the store looked how I expected it to. Shelves were knocked over, trash littered the ground, and the place had definitely been ransacked.

I made my way to the back, where the ammunition and guns were usually kept. I delightfully noticed that the department looked almost completely empty. See, when shit hit the fan, survivors went for fire power, over looking the bows. Normally, when I found a place with no ammo or guns, it meant that arrows where left behind.

My theory with these stores seemed to be holding up, because on a tipped over stand, kits for the broadheads were scattered about. I grabbed a few of them and some of the arrows itself. I was pleased to see that these already had the fletchings attached.

A movement off to the side caught my attention. I immediately took cover behind a downed shelf. I carefully knocked an arrow, and still crouched, I moved forward.

A sound behind me made me jolt around, standing straight up and pulling my arrow back.

"You've got good hearing for a human," a man said. My jaw dropped when I looked up at his face.

"You," I sneered.


A/N: So this is my new story. I don't know when I'll have the second chapter ready for it, but I'm going to try to get it up soon. I'm dealing with some heavy stuff right now, which is why I haven't got the epilogue up for "My Alpha Male" yet, but that'll hopefully be up soon too. So vote if you liked it :)

Thanks for reading!!

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