Chapter Eleven

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Kat's POV:

I don't know how long we laid there for. The feel of his warm fur calmed me in way that I couldn't describe, but I knew we couldn't lay there forever.

"Why did you come out here anyway? I'm guessing you noticed that I snuck out?," I asked. I felt his answering growl rumble in his chest. He suddenly hopped up, pulling out of my arms and leaving me feeling cold even though the sun was up. I internally scoffed at myself. I'd barely known him for more than a handful of weeks and I already felt like a teenager with a stupid crush. Crush? No, I did NOT have a crush on Callum. I didn't even like him, he was a wolf for heaven's sake. He was just nice to look at.

I jumped with him and he pointedly looked in the direction I'm guessing he came from. Maybe the den was back that way. And then, he bumped me, pushing me in that direction. It dawned on me that we both had left Jason in the den by himself. I looked at Callum, suddenly upset.

"Why would you leave Jason by himself?!," I yelled. I took off at a full sprint, intent on getting back to my son. As soon as Callum was back in human form, I was going to club him. How dare he leave my kid all by himself. Another, deeper and angrier sounding growl sounded off behind me. He easily pulled ahead of me and directed me back toward an opening. He took me all the way back to the Clinic. I must have been super panicked on my way out, because coming back in, nothing looked familiar. So another escape attempt would be futile, I thought to myself. The den had so many different tunnels and turns, I didn't know if I'd ever be able to learn all of the routes throughout the den.

I slowed to a jog as we came up to the doorway of the clinic. As I rounded the rock frame, I saw Jason sitting on my cot, looking sad as a nurse tried to cheer him up, playing some form of patty cake if I had to guess. And now I felt like an even bigger asshole. But at least Callum made sure my kid was looked after before he came out to look for me.

Jason looked over and the dejected look left his eyes, but he was still upset. I walked toward my cot and took a seat next to him, thanking the nurse as I did. She gave me an accusing look and it took all my willpower to not scowl back.

"Where did you go, mama? I was worried about you," Jason's little voice made me want to cringe. Why did kids have such an amazing ability to make you feel like the worst kind of parent?

"I'm sorry, baby. I just needed some air and I got lost. Uncle Callum found me though," my voice sounded lame even to me. But his face shifted towards Callum and a big grin turned up the corners of his mouth. And suddenly I was reminded of what Skylar had said to me. As much as I hated to admit it, my boy had been better off here. He never had to endure hard times.

"Next time you try to go outside, can I go with you?," Jason's hopeful voice had me internally cringing. I wasn't sure I'd ever be able to leave again, at least that was the vibe I got from Callum when I chanced a glance at his face. His features were twisted up in annoyance and a slight touch of anger.

"You know pups aren't allowed out by themselves, Jason," Callum's soft voice held a stern firmness that as a mother I admired. The tone left no room for arguments.

"But I wouldn't be alone, my mama would be with me."

"Your mother is no better than a pup herself."

I bristled at the comment and sudden change in his tone. I knew he wasn't happy with me, but I didn't appreciate the way he called me a child. I was about to voice my feelings when a male I didn't know walked into the doorway. He must've felt the tension in the room, because the look on his face went from nuetral to guarded as his gaze bounced between Callum and I.

"Sir, I need a word with you," his words were slow, like he was worried that the tension in the room would be shifted full force onto him if he interjected himself into the conversation. Callum spared me a quick, annoyed glance as if to say our conversation wasn't over. I only glared back at him, still intent on giving him a piece of my mind.

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