Chapter Six

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Kat's POV:

         I must've spend hours with my little boy. Hearing him laugh and talk about the pack made me smile. I soaked up every word he told me. Although I will admit, it made me slightly miffed that he and the blonde giant who brought me here, Skylar, were the best of friends. But, I supposed I owed that overgrown mutt for saving my child from a world that would've killed him.

         I called it quits when I saw Jason continuously rub at his eyes get less and less sneaky about hiding his yawns.

"Alright. It's bed time," I told him reluctantly. I saw his lips purse, and knew he was about to argue with me.

"But, I wanna spend time with you, mama," he said, a big yawn escaping out of his tiny mouth. My resolve broke almost instantly, and Callum noticed.

"How about she reads you a bedtime story before you go to bed? And then you can spend all of tomorrow with her," he he rumbled softly as he scooped Jason up into his arms. The motion made me want to smile, but I tried to remain as passive as I could.

         I had mixed emotions about the way my son and Callum interacted. On the one hand, I was greatful that they had taken him in instead of leaving him to die. Callum treated him as if the boy was his own flesh and blood, the way Jeff did when he was born. But that right there unsettled me for obvious reasons.

          But, for some reason, I was still more okay with this than I thought I would be. And everything came so natural to Callum, it made me wonder if the wolf had a child himself.

         Jason nuzzled into Callum's chest and nodded. This I did smile at. He looked so cute curled up against such a brawny man that I felt myself squeal internally. It felt odd, to be this happy and elated after having nothing worth those emotions.

         After Jason got situated and ready for bed, I grabbed a random children's book from a stack next to his bed. I sat down beside him and stiffened when Callum sat behind me, close enough that his leg brushed against me. I felt sparks shoot up and down my spine.

         Ignoring those pesky feelings, I began to read to him. He didn't even make it halfway through the first chapter. I looked down at his sleeping face, just studying his features.

"Come on," Callum said softly. He took my elbow in his big hand gently, as if he were afraid I might break. The thought made me snort as he pulled me out of Jason's room.

"What?," he asked.

"I'm not made of glass. I can handle rough treatment," I answered. He studied me for a moment and then a smirk suddenly curved his lips up.

"You look like the type of woman who likes it rough."

         I stopped in my tracks and stared at his back as he continued down the tunnel. Did... did he just say that? He didn't seem the type to say something like that. But what the hell did I know? I'd only just met him.

         I jogged to catch up with him, pretending like he hadn't said anything. As we walked, I asked, "So, where am I sleeping tonight?"

"Right here," he said, pulling a black curtain aside. The room looked rather small, but it had a nice lived-in feeling to it. A pile of blankets and furs sat in a corner of the room, and what looked like random personal items were scattered about. In another corner, I saw my pack and bow (minus the arrows, of course) propped up against the wall. I walked over to them, making sure all of my belongings were there and in their proper order.

"I'm guessing this is someone's room. Who got kicked out to accommodate me?," I asked as I perused the area.

         As I turned to look at him, I noticed his cocky demeanor from a few moments ago was gone. Now he looked nervous as he rubbed the back of his neck and his eyes bounced around my face.

"Um, no one was really kicked out. But we don't have enough room to give you your own. And, even though you seem to like to believe it, we don't have a 'dungeon' where we can stick you. Even if we did I wouldn't let you stay there-"

"Who's room is this?," I snapped,cutting off his nervous ramble. He sighed and dropped his hand to his side.

"It's mine. You'll be bunking with me."

         I laughed at that, hoping he was joking. When his serious look didn't dissipate I frowned. He was actually serious?

"I will not stay with you. I can go stay with Jason." I turned and went for the curtain. He grabbed my wrist as I made contact with the material.

"His room is smaller than mine. Just stay here."

         I shoved at his chest with my free hand, which did about as much good as pushing a wall would. Before I could pull my hand back, he covered it with his own. I glared at him, trying to retrieve either of my hands. His grip on my wrist tightened as he hauled me closer to him.

"Let go, you dick," I growled

         I saw the intent in his eyes before he made his move. I had time to turn my face away from him before our lips made contact. Why I didn't though, is beyond me.

         As his mouth started to gently work mine, I felt myself go limp against him. Reluctant hands turned pliable and pulled him closer. I had never felt anything like this, even with Jeff.

         At some point, we had to come up for air. As we separated, I looked up into his eyes. For some odd reason I noticed that his eyes were that light, pale green I'd seen on his wolf and his cheeks were rosy.

"You can have my room, I'll bunk with Jason," He rasped out. Then he turned and left the room before I had time to even think about arguing with him. I just thought to myself, 'what the hell just happened?'


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