Chapter Seven

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Kat's POV:

        The next week flew by. I didn't see much of Callum, which settled just fine with me after what happened in his room. I really didn't want to deal with the awkward tension that was sure to follow after that kiss, and the longer that was prolonged, the happier I would be.

         I had the hardest time sleeping in his space, and it showed. I normally had an attitude when it came to dealing with the beasts I now shared a home with, but even some of the higher ups were avoiding me. Which, again, was just fine with me. Although, a part of me figured that Callum had something to do with that too.

        I eventually fell into a routine. I spent most of my time with Jason unless he had lessons with the other children of the pack. At that point, I picked up whatever chore I saw fit to do. Most of the time, I helped the she-wolves with mundane tasks like laundry. They didn't say much to me, unless it was to ask for soap or whatever I had that they needed. But I assumed most of that was my fault. I didn't exactly exude a vibe that said 'talk to me, I don't have rabies'. Rabies, get it? You know, 'cause they're wolves. Never mind.

        One day while I was helping the girls with the daily laundry, I heard a commotion at the entrance of what I called the foyer.

"Let go of me, man!" I heard someone shout. Curious, I dropped my current project and got to my feet. On the way out of the washroom, one of the females stopped me. She was about a head shorter than me, and I had a good thirty pounds on her. She stared up at my chin. I got the feeling that, had I been a wolf, I would've ranked higher than her. And that oddly pleased me.

"You don't want to go out there," she said, her voice quiet. I met her eyes and she looked down.

"Yes I do. Do you want to tell me that I don't again?," I sneered. She flinched at my tone, and I felt like an ass as she moved out of my way.

"Don't say I didn't warn you," she mumbled under her breath. I ignored her as I moved into the foyer.

        I stopped in the walkway when I say Skylar holding a boy no more than sixteen years old down on the ground. From the easy way that Skylar subdued him, I could tell he was a human as well.

        I looked over and saw Callum walk up behind them and complete a full circle around them. Then he paused like he was deliberating something. I frowned in confusion. It looked like he was sizing the boy up.

"He'll do fine," Callum told Skylar. He easily pulled the boy up by the shirt and set him on his feet.

"NO!," the kid screamed and flailed in Sky's unbreakable hold. And then I suddenly knew what they were going to do to him.

        I lunged forward, pushing myself as fast as my legs would carry me. I hooked an arm around Skylar's waist and threw my weight into him. It surprised him, and that's the only reason I could take him and the boy down.

        I bit the arm that still held onto the kid. He growled and let go, but his other fist came down on  my temple. The force of the blow sent the other side of my head into the ground and I felt the jagged rocks cut my temple and cheek up. Pain exploded on either side of my skull and I cried out.

        I heard an enraged growl off to the side, then a thud as a body hit the wall to my back. Suddenly, I was rolled onto my back and Callum's face lit up my vision. The concern etched onto every inch of his face startled me. I saw his face set into a glare as he turned to look behind him.

"How hard did you hit her?," He snarled. I heard a distorted mumble and then Callum looked back to me. he waved a hand in front of my face, but I had trouble focusing on the movement

"I gotta get you to Doc," he murmured to himself. He scooped me up into his arms and started off in a direction that seemed random to my unfocused mind.

"I can walk," I slurred as I pushed at his chest weakly. I felt my head throb at the small movement and almost lost my breakfast all over his shirt.

"No you can't. I think that oversized dog gave you a concussion. Just please, let me take care of you for a few minutes. I need that right now." He squeezed me a little tighter to him. I sighed and relaxed into his arms.

"Why have you been avoiding me?," I randomly asked. He looked down at me with a contemplative expression.

"I didn't think you'd want to see me after I kissed you. I thought you were angry with me and I figured giving you some time to cool down was best," he answered. I nodded not really knowing how to respond to that.

"You were going to change that boy, weren't you?"

        He looked down at me, eyes dancing over my face as he nodded.


        He sighed out a frustrated sigh. I imagined that if his hands were free, he would've been running them through his hair and making the strands stand on end.

"I need wolves." He saw my mouth forming the next 'why' and placed his lips over mine in a quick kiss to shut me up. It worked and I felt my cheeks turn pink. He smiled gently at my blushing face.

"You're cute when you blush." That made me turn even pinker.

"I'll explain what's going when I know what the damage to your head is and when you're feeling better.

        I nodded and snuggled closer to him. I felt sleepy, but I kept myself awake as best I could. My voice felt small as I said, " Please don't change that kid, Callum."

        I felt his lips touch the side of my head that wasn't cut up and heard him softly rumble, "I won't."


A/N: I hope you guys like this. I wanted to have it up last monday, but writer's block was being a pain in my ass. But it's up now, so I hope you enjoy :)


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