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Another day another mission.

'Rose' I take a deep breath 'Rose wait up please, you know I don't like to run long distances'

'Really Mitchel' she gives me that look as she runs off. Why did she have to makes us run all the way to the Hard Deck.

New mission and they wouldn't tell us anything apart from we had to be at Top Gun for something big.

'Wait up, please' My knees are just about to give up on me our rented apartment is at least 2 miles away and Rose thought it would be good to run there.

Rose stops and turns round on her heels sighing before saying 'fine Mitchel' running over to me i grab her hand as she pulls me up.

'You do know that I never run'

'Yeah. Yeah. Same old, same old. Now get a move on I want to meet our team so bad'

'You mean you want to see if there is some hot men or women on our team' I give her a look of knowing.

'I would never' her hand meets her chest as she makes the most fake hurt face ever.

'Come on then, I'm only running because I want to brag about our last mission wher we blew up that 5th gen fighter with one remaining missle'

'Of course you do'

'You know me, Kazansky'

'I sure do Mitchel'

'RACE YOU' I sprint off and look back to see Rose looking at me for a moment before spinting after me.

I can hear her shout 'Oh it's on'

Somehow, Rose beats me to the Hard Deck and just looks at me. I may or may have not gotten distracted by a familiar truck belonging to a certain Jake 'Hangman' Serisen or as I like to call him same with Phoenix and Rose, Bagman.

'Looking at Bagman's truck are you now' she gives the look to say planning on doing something. 'I'm sure it's a very comfortable truck to have s-'

I place my hand over her mouth before saying 'Bagman? The bagman. Not in a million years.'

I left go of her mouth before telling her to 'keep her mind out of a dumpster'

'Mitchel, why don't we forget this and get some drinks? What do you say?'

I touch my nose before her.

'Kazansky, I would love to. You're paying first round I was faster'

'Not fair'

'Now let's go before I have to drag your ass into there'

We walk in with a feeling of power, which happens everytime.

'Bagman' I hear the unmistakable voice of my old best friend Phoenix or as we call her Black Widow as her name being Natasha. Still have no idea how we ended up calling her that.

'Hangman actually' the voice me and Rose dread to hear and belonging to the most cocky pilot ever, even worse than my Dad's ego, which gets worse everytime he flies.

I look to Rose but only to see her looking at me. That once amazing feeling of power is not an aura of dread.

'Come on Rose we can brag about the 5th gen to Bagman' as soon as the words are spoken her face lights up.

'Yes, plus I want to see Black Widow's new friends'

'Only because you want to see if they are hot'


We walk over to them laughing at Bagman feom whar we could tell Natasha must've insulted him again but he deserves his ego to be brought back down to it's roots.

It's good to be back.

Sharpshot- Bradley 'Rooster' BradshawWhere stories live. Discover now