Chapter five

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Damn, this nigga got moneyyyy.

That was the first thing Draco thought when he pulled up to the apartment. Draco could tell that Atlas had money just by looking at him and his car, but this place was a whole different thing, and that says a lot because Draco isn't broke at all.

I might just go get my degree...

The apartment is big, but not too big, and has maybe three floors, or at least that was Draco's guess. He must have a good credit score too. Draco thought to himself as he got out of the car. Draco's credit score isn't so good, but it's not his fault. It was his mama's fault she couldn't use hers, so she used the next best thing.

Atlas pulled up right behind Draco in the Uhaul. Atlas didn't need help loading stuff in the Uhaul from his old apartment because his father and Eri helped him with that part. He just needed help loading stuff in the house because Eri had school and his dad kept complaining about his back, which Atlas already knew about, which is why he didn't want his dad to help in the first place, but he insisted.

Atlas got out of the truck and immediately walked to the other side, opening the door, and what surprised Draco was the two little feet dangling out of the truck. Draco squinted his eyes and watched as Atlas picked up a little boy who was too small to get out of the truck himself.

He then watched as Atlas put him down to shut truck door.

Draco just sat their wondering, Is that his son? Brother? Family member? A friends child? If that is his son is the mother in the life?

Draco had no right to want to know all of the answers to these questions, but he couldn't help but be curious. Son or not, that wouldn't change the fact that Draco likes him. It would just make him more cautious because he knows how toxic a baby-mother-father relationship could be.

He grew up around it. His mom and dad split up, but every so often they would get back together or just have sex despite having another significant other at home.

Draco watched as the little boy followed closely behind Atlas and accidentally stepped on his shoes a few times with the little distance they had. Atlas tried to tell him to be careful, but since it's a new scenery, Tyler is clinging on to him.

Draco got out of his car and walked up to the two. Once Tyler saw him, he immediately started to hide behind Atlas because he was intimidated by Draco's height. He has never really been around someone taller than Atlas.

"Hey. Thanks for helping me today." Atlas smiled and went into a hug with Draco. Draco gladly hugged back and let his arms wrap around Atlas' waist for a second. Even after they pulled away, he let his arm langer around Atlas' waist to see his reaction, and to his surprise, there wasn't one.

Atlas looked down at the frowning boy and playfully sucked his teeth. Tyler hated when people he didn't know would talk to Atlas, let alone touch him, so right now Tyler is silently fuming.

Atlas picked up the boy and turned him to where he was facing Draco. "This is Tyler; Tyler, this is my friend Drevon."

"Wassup, Tyler?"

Tyler was going to ignore him, but since he's Dah's friend he guesses he'll be nice so with that being said, Tyler smiled and waved at the man.

Atlas' smiled at Tyler and motioned for Draco to follow him to the apartment. Atlas was originally going to move into a decent-sized house, but he figured he wouldn't be doing that anytime soon. The apartment was in a nice complex, and with its size, it might as well be a house.

Tyler's mouth dropped at their new home. "Dah! We're living here?"

Atlas hummed and nodded his head at the happy boy that was now trying to wiggle out of his arms and get onto the floor. Tyler happily ran around the house, and Atlas let him enjoy his time while the house is still empty and not as hazardous.

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