☾ 02 | Hush hush

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"Is everything alright Y/N?" The sweet sing-song voice of Luna Lovegood calls out to you. She's not even looking up from the book she reads by the fireplace. You don't even question how Luna always knows when you are around. You figured it must be because the two of you are good friends.

Finally able to catch your breath after speed running to the Ravenclaw common room, you exhale. You walk over and join Luna by sitting beside her on the loveseat. Luna looks up from her book and turns her head to the left. Your heart is still thumping wildly against your chest. Noticing your silence Luna observes you intently. "My, whatever you've run into scared you completely." Luna murmurs.

You turn to look at Luna with pursing lips. You are about to tell her why when you then remembered Draco's threat. But lying to Luna will be difficult. Especially since you've been friends since the first year. Thankfully, Luna changes the topic when she points at the stack of books on your lap.

"I was wondering where you went off to. The library?" Luna gingerly grabs a book from the stack. She stares at the book cover front and back. "Why the sudden interest in potions Y/N?"

Finding your voice, you clear your throat to answer her. "You never know when you'll need a potion at the ready. Especially with how much evil is around. I'd like to carry a few potions on me just in case. Maybe someone will need a healing potion." Luna returns the book to you with a smile.

She softly giggles under her breath. "You're always thinking about others Y/N. Think about yourself from time to time. Speaking of time we should get ready for bed. We shouldn't stay up past curfew." Luna stands up with her book in hand. She looks at you with a small smile as you stand up on your feet.

The night is still young for you. But it's best to try to sleep. Despite how high your anxiety is just from the thought of Draco Malfoy. You briefly saw him with tears when you entered the courtyard. It's not as though you witnessed why he began to cry. But you did see him cry nonetheless.

You can't rid of the brief sight of his forlorn expression. Sadness mixed with anger. Those two words sum up Draco well. Everyone knows who Draco Malfoy is. The son of Lucius Malfoy. A family thriving in wealth and influence within the wizarding community. Lucius Malfoy, a man who is a Death Eater among the others in support of The Dark Lord.

Which makes Draco the son of a Death Eater. A young wizard who may possibly join the supporters who are against everyone and everything that Voldemort despises. You shiver to yourself as you remove your cloak. You have such terrible luck when it comes to timing. Not just with the encounter with Draco. But with everything in your life.

You are either too early or too late. The corner of your lips twitch into a frown when you think of a sensitive topic. Your hand naturally clutches against your chest where your heart is. Forcing your eyes closed, you clench your teeth. Stop it. Stop thinking so much.

☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚

"Vincent! Gregory!" Draco shouts out for his two closest 'friends'. The two boys are snacking on sweets before bed. Vincent and Gregory eye one another before staring at Draco. The white-blonde haired boy is fuming. Draco paces back and forth in the middle of the shared bedroom with bunkbeds. His hands resting by his hip. 

Draco ponders on whether to ask the two about Y/N. But if he is to ask these two goonies about her, they would be curious to why Draco is inquiring information on the girl. Draco can easily make up some kind of excuse. It'll be lie after lie. Gregory nervously clears his throat to grab Draco's attention. "Is something the matter Draco?" 

Pulling him out of his thoughts, Draco eyes Gregory. Draco's grinding his teeth together with a flickering anger in his eyes. Gregory's eyes waver as he swallows the saliva that builds in his mouth. "Do you two know anything about Y/N Y/L/N? Rumor has it she may volunteer for the Triwizard Tournament." Draco forms a last minute lie. One that he hopes is believable enough for the two. 

Gregory and Vincent are well aware that Draco plans to partake in the tournament. So digging up dirt on possible candidates should be a passable lie. Gregory and Vincent ponder for a moment to Draco's question. The silence is eating at Draco the longer he waits for the two to speak up. Vincent then claps his hands together with a glow in his eyes as if he's remembered something.

Draco quickly looks over to Vincent with bated breath. "She's a 7th year in Ravenclaw. Her closest friend is that quirky girl name Luna Lovegood. She doesn't really stand out much other than that." Vincent purses his lips, tilting his head to the side. 

"I've seen her a few times interact with Potter's friends." Gregory adds. Upon hearing the name Potter, Draco raises a brow. Not once has he ever seen Y/N with those infuriating three. Did Draco and Y/N manage to keep their interactions that nonexistent during their entire course of attending Hogwarts? 

"If you're worried about her Draco, you have nothing to worry about. Those rumors are definitely false. You have this tournament in the palm of your hands." Gregory speaks up again after noticing Draco's expression of deep thought. Draco only stares at Gregory before retiring to his own bed. Vincent and Gregory shrug at one another, not all too worried about Draco's silence.

Y/N Y/L/N. Her name wraps around Draco's mind. There's no guarantee she'll remain quiet about tonight's slip up on Draco's part. If only he can contain his emotions better. Draco curses himself for being so riled up. Not only does he have to stress about entering the Triwizard Tournament, he also has to keep an eye on a Ravenclaw girl who presumably hangs around the three students he dislikes the most.

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