☾ 14 | Suffocating

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"The Yule Ball is coming! Everyone's talking about it. Who are you all going with?" Hermione speaks more towards Harry and Ginny who are eating breakfast in silence. It's obvious that Ron and Hermione are going together. 

Harry nervously looks over to Ginny who refrains from looking at him. The girl shyly chews on her bread with blushing cheeks. Ron looks at the two with squinted eyes. "Why are you acting funny and why are you blushing Ginny?" Ron calls out the two for their odd behavior. 

Hermione is quick to catch on, the corner of her lips curling into a smile. "It's obvious they are going together Ron." Hermione shoves her boyfriend playfully. Ron chokes on the orange juice he drinks. The boy roughly patting his chest. 

"Watch it Ron! You have to be careful of your injuries." Hermione berates Ron but he completely ignores her. "S-Since when have you two gotten closer?" Ron points a finger at the two that sit across from him. 

"Well it sounds lively over here." Luna's voice enters the conversation. The four look up to see Luna and Y/N. Their faces soften into worry when they notice Y/N's swollen eyes. The girl is refraining from looking at the group when she keeps her eyes down to the tray she holds onto. 

Harry clears his throat to bring the attention back to the conversation at hand. Luna is looking expectantly for a response. "We were just talking about the Yule Ball. Take a seat you two." Luna looks over at Y/N from the corner of her eye, seemingly trying to read the girls answer from her face. The two seat themselves down. Luna purposely sitting beside Ron so Y/N can sit by her right side.

"Apparently Harry and Ginny are going together. The nerve of the two to not tell me." Ron pouts when he returns his eyes to the two in front of him. Ginny purses her lips and grumbles at Ron. She speaks up to retort back to her older brother. 

"We planned to tell you. It's not as though we kept it a secret. Harry asked me last night when you and Hermione split off together somewhere." Ginny scrunches her nose innocently. Now Ron and Hermione are the ones to feel flushed in the face. 

Luna sits in silence listening with a giggle under her breath. "What about you two? Got any dates?" Ron turns to look at Luna and Y/N. Luna lowers her roll of bread and shrugs. 

"I'm not too keen about parties but it's our last year so I'll go. As of a date..." Luna's eyes casts past the group towards someone who's sitting further down the long rectangle dining table. The dirty blonde haired girl waves to a round faced boy, Neville Longbottom. Neville looks confused at first but he shyly waves back at Luna. 

The group casts their eyes over to Neville who's ears are red. The boy tries his best to eat despite having so many eyes observe him. "I plan to ask Neville. He's adorable." Luna hums happily to herself. There's a unanimous facial expression of bewilderment from everyone when they look back at Luna. 

"And you Y/N?" Ron speaks softly, noticing the girl hasn't spoken at all yet. Y/N freezes up in her seat when the attention is on her now. "I'm sure you've had a few candidates ask to be your date. You're an amazing person after all." Ron sounds proud of Y/N as he smiles brightly. 

You refrain from looking at Ron. His words are sweet but they hurt. To be honest, you planned on missing out. But like Luna's mentioned this is your last year in Hogwarts. You won't get another moment to attend a Yule Ball in your youth. "No ones asked me yet." You keep your answer short.

"I'm sure they're just shy." Hermione tries to lighten your mood. She's sweet. You nod your head with a weak smile and shrug. It's not like you expected to go with anyone anyway. The conversation comes to a halt when you hear professor Snape call out your name. 

You raise your eyes away from your food to look over to your left. Snape comes to a halt in front of you with a paper casted towards you. "Morning Miss Y/L/N. Your schedule has been reverted back. I must say it's a shame since you are my best student." You reach out to take your new schedule and Snape leaves just as quickly as he came. 

The group grows silent with confusion. You're confused as well. Is this because you told Draco you're breaking off the deal? He must trust you greatly to keep his secret still. Or is there something more? You find yourself looking for Draco in the dining hall but the boy is no where to be found. 

Maybe he's in the courtyard? Or did his injuries worsen overnight? You excuse yourself and hurry to chase after professor Snape. Luna calls out for you but you respond with a quick apology. You run out of the dining hall and dart your eyes left and right. Snape is walking further down the left corridor and you sprint after him.

"Professor Snape!" You call out to the man. Thankfully he stops and turns around. He makes a displeased face from your running but you can't help yourself. You come to a full stop when you reach Snape, your breathing a bit rough. 

Pointing to the paper, you ask Snape. "Why the sudden change?" Your eyes try to read Snape's expression but the man is too hard to read. He's great at concealing his emotions. Snape's silence eats at you as your anxiety crawls in your palms. 

Then appears the boy you were looking for. Draco walks up to the two of you. You feel goosebumps litter your body when Draco stares at you with his cold gaze. There's a sigh of relief when you notice he looks much better than yesterday. Draco's face softens for a moment when he looks directly into your eyes but it quickly changes. 

You drop your gaze when you realize you must look ridiculous. The crying from yesterday made your eyes puffy and the warm cloth you rested over them this morning didn't help entirely. "Your schedule change is confidential so I'm sorry I cannot answer your question Miss Y/L/N." Snape finally speaks up. "I'll be taking my leave now." 

You sense Snape disappear but Draco still stands in silence in front of you. "So they changed your schedule." Draco mutters. He grabs the schedule out of your hands when your guard is down. You hastily take it back from the light grey eyed boy. 

The two of you stare at one another in dead silence. "You must be happy. Now you can be with your friend Luna again." Draco comments. You have nothing to retort back. The only thought in your mind is to ask how he feels. 

"Draco!" A girls voice shouts out for the boy. The two of you break eye contact when Draco looks past you. You feel a brush against your shoulder from the girl who begins to converse with Draco. It's as if she doesn't see you standing here. "Draco, are you going to the Yule Ball? No one's asked you yet have they?" 

Pursing your lips, you step away to rub your shoulder. Draco briefly eyes you from the corner of his eye before returning his attention the the Slytherin girl. The girl looks familiar, her name Pansy Parkinson. She just now realizes you when you feel her looming eyes casting over to you. "Do you mind?" Pansy speaks directly to you. 

Gritting your teeth together, you lower your head in apology. Not saying a word you leave the two alone. "As I was saying Draco. Do you want to go to the ball together?" You quicken your steps to not hear Draco respond. Not that you should care who he goes with. The two of you are back to being strangers. 

You say this but there's tears welling up in your eyes. God why are you so emotional? Was last nights crying not enough? You decide to hide in the library until your first class starts. Everything seems to bring you down as if you are not drowning already.

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