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...There lived a beautiful, but lonely queen who was in search of a suitable man to be her king. One day, she called for her Royal Advisor.

"Yes, Your Majesty?" The Advisor asked.

"Master Armberg, I want you to find me a king, someone who's special." Queen Janna told him. "And if you succeed, I'll reward you with your very own castle."

"My own castle?! Right away, my Queen! I'll find you someone special in no time!"

And so, the search was on. Soon enough, the finest young men in all the land came to the castle in hopes of becoming King. One of these suitors was a young demon boy named Tom; he stood in line with his father, patiently waiting to be called up. But Tom was growing rather nervous; he felt he wasn't special enough to be King. Then he was called up.

"And what's so special about your kid?" Armberg asked Tom's father.

"You mean Tom? Oh, my son can, uh... he can, um... he can spin straw into gold!" The demon boy's father lied.

Tom froze; he stared at his father in shock.

"I can what?" He whispered.

"Straw into gold?!" Armberg exclaimed, just as shocked.

"Dad, are you out of your mind?" Tom hissed, his third eyes starting to glow with anger.

"This is incredible! You must meet the Queen!" Jeremy announced as he started to walk away.

"...Don't mind if I do." Tom said with a smile as he and his father followed after the uniformed man.

The three men made their way through the hall and down the corridor until they entered the throne room where Queen Janna was waiting. Tom and his father got down on one knee in front of her.

"Your Majesty, have I got a guy for you!" The advisor declared.

The moment Tom and the Queen's eyes met, they were immediately entranced. Their eyes were locked on one another, as if they couldn't look away. Tom stared into the Queen's big brown eyes; he thought she was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. The Queen gawked at Tom, thinking that he was the most handsome demon that has ever lived. They stared deep into each other's eyes for a good few minutes of silence until Master Armberg snapped them out of it.

"Ahem! Your Majesty!" He yelled, clapping his hand in their faces to get their attention.

"Oh, right, right. Sorry." The Queen said.

"Sorry about that." Tom added.

"Your Majesty, this is Tom. And do you know what's special about him? The demon can spin straw into gold!" Armberg declared.

"Straw into gold? That sounds amazing! How do you do it?" The Queen asked Tom.

"Beats the heck out of me." Tom muttered under his breath before his father elbowed him hard in the ribs. "Ow! I mean, it's an old family secret."

"Yes! And to prove it, he's going to spin us a room full of gold!" Armberg said.

"I am? Oh, yes! I am! I am!" Tom said, laughing nervously.

"Now follow me so we can get you settled." Armberg said as he grabbed Tom's arm and violently dragged him away from the Queen.

So, that very night, Armberg took the terrified demon boy to a room filled with straw. But just before he locked the door to the room, he rudely sneered at her.

"Listen, dude, I've got a castle on the line here. Turn this straw into gold or you'll spend the rest of your life in the dungeon! Good luck!" He demanded before closing and locking the door.

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