Chapter 4|Revealed.. On Accident..?

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(Start: 09-15-22; 12:23AM/I have a test today in math-😶\)

**✿❀Mental Breakdown❀✿**
**✿❀Mentions of killing/murder❀✿**
**✿❀Mention of abusive love one❀✿**
**✿❀Chase angst❀✿**

»»---->Chapter Start<----««
༶•┈┈⛧┈♛3rd/author's POV; w/Chase♛┈⛧┈┈•༶
Chase and Marshall walked out of the room and Marshall grabbed the jar shaking it before picking a name, but while he was doing this Chase walked out of the room in an embarrassed (??) way. Nobody took notice to this and continued the game. Chase walked to his room and sat down on his bed, he felt like he just cheated, though he didn't. He laid down on his bed and closed his eyes...

"How would I tell her...?"

He soon drifted off to sleep and slept the rest of the day away. Chase soon woke up to the smell of breakfast and got ready for the day before walking out to the kitchen.
"Oh, hey Chase!"
Zuma happily said as he placed the food on plates and gave them to everyone, he then walked over to Chase with a plate and gave it to him.
"You have to be at school earliew than us, five minutes to be exact, because you missed youw law enfowcement class. Eat up!"
Chase stood sorta zoned out, when he processed what Zuma said he put all his food in bowls and placed them in a lunch box before heading to school. He got there right on time and walked into the classroom, sitting in his assigned (?) Seat..

**✿❀After school❀✿**

Chase stood with all his friends laughing and talking while waiting for the bus, while this was happening a girl walked up to the stop and the group noticed that she was never there before. (Non-cannon character alert-😒/09-15-22; 12:33AM\) Skye walked up to her and asked her what her name was.
"Hey, what's your name? I'm Skye!"
"Oh.. Uhmm.. I-I'm Star.."
"Oo~.. I like your name!"
"Heh, th-thanks.."
"You're welcome! Oh, are you new here?"
"U-uh.. N-no, I j-just got a n-new bus.."
"Ah, cool! And there's no need to be nervous, we can help you out if you need it!"
"O-oh! Th-thanks!"
"Of course! Oop, looks like the bus is here! I can sit with you if you'd like!"
They all got on the bus and headed home..

Seating bc yes-😒

Rubble→ [ 1 ]←Some kid
Some kid→ [ 2 ]←Some kid
Tracker→ [ 3 ]←Everest
Some kid→ [ 4 ]←Some kid
Chase→ [ 5 ]←Marshall
Some kid→ [ 6 ]←Some kid
Rocky→ [ 7 ]←Some kid
Zuma→ [ 8 ]←Some kid
Some kid→ [ 9 ]←Some kid
Skye/Star→ [ 10 ]←Empty
Some kid→ [ 11 ]←Some kid
Some kid→ [ 12 ]←Some kid
Some kid→ [ 13 ]←Some kid

They have so little kids they can do 1 to a seat👍

Everyone arrived home and went to their rooms to start homework.. All but Chase. He went to his room, yes, but he didn't do his homework, (lol, who even likes hw-😒) instead he opened his phone's notepad and typed away...

A random thing? Idk.

Uhm, I guess I should put the date and stuff.. Uhm, it's Friday, the 11th.. Uhm, year.. 2015. Uhm, so.. Weird stuff happened yesterday-.. I don't know how to feel. I feel like I did something wrong, but I don't know if I did or not.. I kissed Marshall... I mean.. I did it because he was crying and everything and I didn't want him to be like that all day and he wanted me to kiss him again, so I did, but I feel like I stabbed Skye in the back by doing that.. I'm not even with her, I don't even think she'd like me back. Anyways, I hope I passed my exam in L.E, if not I'm gonna cry, actually. There was a new girl at our stop, I'm guessing Skye made friends with her already.. Impressive- But all honesty.. I feel like I cheated on her, but I know I didn't.. And if I'm going to be truthful.. It felt kinda nice to kiss him.. But I don't like him like that, and I'm guessing he knew that. But I should go now.. Do my homework (maybe, might skip out on doing it and do it last second-😭) Uh, bye ig-

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