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I wish I had my powers, maybe then I could have done something. The overseer wouldn't have to fight alone. The only thing I could do was keep the people safe with Blue Steve. We became the evacuation team. After me and Blue Steve got out of the circle of lava we got all the steves to safety and we hide with them ourselves letting in more steves who were brave enough to fight or those who were lost in the panic.

Me and Blue got everyone into the saferoom of this town. The overseer told us about it. Under the water fountain, there is a basement filled with supplies hidden deep underground. He told me about it while Alex and Origin talked. Me and Blue stood ready at the door waiting for the lighting to stop. Ready if someone got in and attacked us. Suddenly we heard a slam.

"What was that!" Blue steve asked nervously through the panic. He was scared like everyone else here. So was I.

"No idea, be ready if anyone comes in." The trapped door opened and we heard the struggle of steves coming down the ladder. The first steve I saw was a Red Steve who was carrying... Reverse Steve! He was here for the attack too! I got my sword out ready to fight. I hope I can remember what Sabre taught me so long ago.

"D...don't worry! He's tied up and unconscious... Sabre told me to keep an eye on him." A Green Steve came down from behind the quiet Red Steve. I helped them get Reverse steve down to the floor. Before I could even ask Blue steve grabbed a chair and rope. He already knew what had to be done. Together we tied him up in the chair. We can question him when he wakes up.

"Did Sabre fight him?" I asked the Green Steve. I watch the Red steve as he strangely left the safe room.

"Yeah, I think so... With the other player Lucas and Rainbow Steve." He explained to me.

"That's probably why he didn't appear to the fight, he was fighting him. Did he look okay?"

"I think so? Right after he gave me the weird colored steve he ran to where the Overseer and Guardian were fighting." I wasn't surprised by his answer, but I was also worried. He knows how easily a steve fight can hurt him...

"I think the lighting stopped." Blue Steve says and points up. Everyone in the saferoom went quiet as we all listened. Nothing. No lighting. We waited a few minutes longer. Still nothing.

"I'll see if it's safe," I tell everyone and go up the ladder. I lifted up the trap door and looked around. No lighting, no signs of attack. The damage around was still visible. It looked and sounded safe.

"It looks safe! Just be cautious!" I yelled back down to the steves below then quickly looked around for my friends. I hope they are alright. I first went back to the village, not to the front of town where the main fight started. I don't know what happened to Rainbow or Lucas. I looked for them calling out their names.

"Lucas! Rainbow! Are you out here!" I called out to the empty streets. I kept walking till someone called back to me.

"Light! I need help!" It was Rainbow's voice. I quickly turned to him and saw him holding Lucas who was shaking and pale. His eyes were scattered and never stopped moving. I quickly ran to them. Lucas was having a panic attack. Rainbow was already doing the right thing. He held him close to comfort him. I did my best to get his attention and take deep breaths. It didn't take long until he was back. He could speak to him.

"Lucas, are you hurt?" I asked concerned as he looked at me.

"No... I'm fine..." He muttered quietly. He seemed exhausted. I wonder if this fight causes his panic since he hasn't seen something like this in a long time. Even then he never panicked like this before.

My Inner Code (Rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now