Chapter 2: Touching The New

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For many minutes of a resolute and undisturbed pace, an itch began under the skin in response to the dreadful silence echoing its cry. A crawl amongst his instincts- for though he knew well the value of remaining quiet, not opening your mouth for any reason but compliance- the irritation of doing so had never truly wanned. Momentarily his fingers twined together, the vague motion underneath the night sky got the other boy's attention, though only by a mere flickering of his irises in meager glance. No comment was made, much as Naruto expected, for even while highly naive of shinobi, he was not ignorant enough to misconcieve the situation he had put himself in. He was both valuable and dangerous unto the other; valuable as an Omega, dangerous as an unknown. There was no ire to the thought, his clan had considered him minacous and thus locked him within imprisonment in fear; as it were, he was being seen with caution because the boy beside him did not know him. Which Naruto contrived as far better then how his kin had viewed him.

"Um... May I know your name?" Simple enough, though a hint precarious for those within war clans- with the looming possiblity of information being exposed or becoming a target. Under circumstance however, the young Omega felt it appropriate, as his intention was to join a clan he did not know- a fractional amount of information was warneted. The grass brushing underneath and around his feet turned cold as his senses honed in on anything insignificant, his apprehension so prominent, it stuffled his aura with nerves. Indeed, incessant as further minutes possessed and no words came from the shinobi beside him, nor a grunt of acknowledgement, or a glance of the eye. In fact, he had taken a rather defensive posture, the dark swarmed and Naruto could only see the silhouette in truth, he knew that his arms were crossed.

The glimmer over the trees soon became obvious as light began to filter through between the leafs. With it came Naruto's heave of relief, his quivering settling slightly with the sun's warming welcome. Night held no particular distinction, and he had no fear for it- as it would forever remain a part of day, however, much more could hide within its blanket of obstruction- that fact made Naruto wary of the hours thereinlain. Light also brought better vision, and though he was cautious in his movement, he still bid himself to see the boy he had agreed to accompany. It rained no surprise down upon him to see that he was made of rather calm tones, hair the shade of water under the moon- flashing with strands of indigo interwoven. He had pale skin with a slight glow of warm colouring hinting hidden beneath the surface. He could feel his lips prickle upwards as his assumption was proved, but then attention was upon him instead; fathomless black eyes staring at him in scutinany. Those same eyes blinked rapidly at him soonthereafter, Naruto felt the blossoming of pink shine over his cheeks at the intensity portrayed- even if it was not truly intended to be so. He did manage to note the very obvious indents under the dark eyes. Still, he squirmed with such a gaze implanted upon him- and had yet to flicker away.

"You're blond." Instantly, embarrassment fled, leaking fast from his toes, his body instead of shifting with jitters, suddenly stilling. Pressure weighing invisible on this shoulders. For it was true, candid and blunt spoken plain, and the sting from his arm in memory dimmed with the statement. Without proper consideration, his head dipped in shame, remembrance striking deep into his abdomen; his clan had always made it overt that he was inferior for a cause he never knew, but his peculiar colouring had been an additive for their ridicule and satire. Absently, his fingers played with an astray strand a slight longer then its counterparts. "I- I don't mean that's a bad thing! It just- just- surprised me!" Head snapped upwards at the sentence, shock clammoring in a body newly abrimmed with hesitant hope. Irises staring deep into the depthless ones before him- not paying heed to the new dusting of pink over the other's cheeks. As he searched for indication of a lie, that flush brightened, and then those eyes moved over to the treeline. "It's really pretty candidly- befits your eyes." Naruto felt his frame twitch under the words, a delicate smile shifting upwards, his fingers suddenly twitching as his eyes found the ground suddenly intriguing.

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