Training To Be Perfect ❀

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"Mae-In! Walk more elegantly!" Mae-In's mother shouted at her, beating the wooden table in front of her with a fan.

Mae-In was on the verge of tears. She had been training nonstop for four days now, taking lessons from both her mother and teacher, while her sisters sat together and laughed at her.

"Mother! Please stop now! I am hungry!" Mae-In whined, pressing both of her hands on her abdomen.

"Not until you walk properly!" her mother shouted at her.

"Mother!" she dropped to the ground, dramatically and pretended to cry.

"Goodness... I think we should give her a break now, ma'am," said Lady Shin.

"Hmph. Fine, go, get out!" her mother rolled her eyes.

Mae-In's eyes lit up and she jumped up to hug her mother.

"Thank you dear mother!" she squealed.

She skipped happily towards the dining hall to eat.

Mae-In had been taking these 'how-to-be-a-perfect-woman' classes for four days, nonstop. The only times she got a break from the classes was when she almost dramatically collapsed because she felt sleepy and when she started whimpering because she felt hungry.

Sometimes she was moved to fake tears because of the strictness of her mother and her teacher.

"I just don't understand why anyone will try and be perfect," she said, munching on an apple.

"Well, I have no idea either." replied her brother, sitting on the other end of the table, looking rather glum.

"Hey, what's wrong with you?" she asked.

"Well, I rather not tell you what..." he replied.

Her brother, Jung Hoon-Su, aged twenty-three is currently suffering from heartbreak because his girlfriend is mad at him.

"Ah... I see. It's about your nosy girlfriend. Did she not like the gift you gave her on her birthday?" Mae-In asked.

"It's all because of you," he said, rubbing his temple.

"Why? I gifted her the right thing. I asked her favourite dish and she said 'chicken'," she said, frowning.

"But that chicken was alive! As soon as I gave the box to her, the chicken hopped out and started jumping. You know that she hates birds!"

"It's not my fault that she hates birds! She said 'chicken' and I gave her 'chicken'," she said, suppressing a laugh.

"Arguing with you is of no point..." her brother sighed.

"Mae-In! Mae-In!"

All of a sudden her mother's shout came echoing.

"Why does everyone shout out my name?!" Mae-In said, getting up.

"Mae-In!" her mother rushed into the dining hall, her eyes wide.

"What is it now? I am eating."

"Mae-In, listen to me... the Palace guards! They just came in and announced that they would take you to the Palace! It's an order from the King! He wants you to move there now!" her mother said in one breath, shaking her continuously.

When her mother finally stopped, Mae-In took some time to swallow the news.
Then she screamed.


"Yes, now! I told the maids to prepare your luggage. Come on! Hurry up and get ready!" her mother said, in one breath.

Oh, Lord! thought Mae-In as her mother dragged her out of the hall.

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