#57~ Pregnancy Cravings

1.8K 30 12

Matt~ Pickles

Shawn~ Tomatoes

Taylor~ Onions

Nash~ Peanuts

Aaron~ Ice Cream

Carter~ Citrus Fruits

Jack J~ Any sour foods

Jack G~ Sweets

Cameron~ Cheese

Jacob~ Cheesecake

Sammy~ Root Beer

Dillon~ Muffins

A/N: Hey guys I'm coming out with a new book, it will be called; That Virginia Boy|| Matthew Espinosa,
I'll be hosting a contest for the best cover for the book, the cover has to include
*The title of the book
*My username
*Most of all have fun
This contest will end in about 3 weeks, inbox me your cover ideas
Thanks guys for all the reads and votes

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