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My life flashed before my eyes. This was it, this was my death. I felt the pressure of the water around me.

As I sunk deeper, my lungs screamed for air, air I couldn't give. The weights around my feet made sure of that. I hadn't asked for this.

Memories I had never remembered, the ones stored at the very back of my my mind, resurfaced. The time I had fallen off my bike, the day my second tooth came out. People, places and faces up until my fifteenth birthday, today.

It all played out like a tape in front of my eyes. My lungs were burning, I felt dizzy from the lack of oxygen.

I closed my eyes, wishing the pain would go away. The last week of my life was being shown to me now, the week before my death.

On Sunday, I had gotten into a fight with my mum. I sulked in my room on the computer for the entire day. After dinner I apologised to her.

Monday was a school day. My friends were as lively as ever, I did well on my math test. I dropped a pencil and a random girl picked it up for me.

Tuesday was a different day. I left my homework on my desk, and my friends had an argument. One of my bullies from my past shoved my shoulder when he walked past.

Wednesday was okay, my friends made up, but there was a surprise quiz. I didn't think I did well.

Thursday, another good day. I got my quiz back and I was one away from getting all the answers right. A boy from one of my classes came up to me and said hi.

Friday was relaxed, the teachers didn't teach much and made us do questions from our books and all my friends were excited for my birthday.

Which brings my life to today. Saturday, my fifteenth birthday. I could barely feel my extremities now, and the cold, numb feeling was making it's way up my arms and legs. I woke up as usual, my family gave me my presents. We went down to a park and had a picnic. When I was playing with my sister on the play equipment, a man came and took my sister. I fought him, and my sister ran to my parents. I wasn't strong enough, and he got me.

That's how I ended up here, in a lake. The man took me on a boat, tied weights to my legs and pushed me off the boat.

The numbness had almost got to my heart. My life had stopped rolling in my eyes. To me, it was a life worth living. I let peace overcome me as my last seconds were spent getting to the bottom of the lake. My body shut down. I had died.

I shot up, gasping for air. The ground was hard beneath me.



Hey guys! I was bored and I felt like I owed you something, so here ya go!

Expect something from @Fishythefish soon...

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