Dancing in Red

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I pirouetted and jumped as high as I could. I tried to put as much as pain as I felt into the dance I was doing. I felt the beat pulsing through my body. Adrenaline was rushing through my body. Then I finished my last move and the music finished. Clap, clap, clap "Well done Arabella. I never knew that you could dance," At that voice, I froze. My back was turned to the person who spoke, but I knew exactly who said that. It was Mark Whiton, the most popular boy in the year. I walked over to the CD player and took out my disk, completely ignoring him and pretending I didn't hear him even though I clearly had.

"You don't have to ignore me Arabella. I won't tell anyone," He told me gently.

I still felt the anger from before rushing through my veins "Leave me alone Jake. You shouldn't even be here," I winced slightly at the iciness in my voice, but I still had my back to him. I walked over to my bag and slipped off my ballet shoes, making sure that my pointe shoes hadn't been stolen and putting on my blood red ballet flats.

I tried to get to the door before he stopped me but he was at the door before I had even started walking. "I heard music and I wondered who would be in the dance rooms during class time and the teacher seemed to be unperturbed by your absence so I went looking for you," by then I remember that the teachers let him do whatever he wanted and the only reason that I was allowed to skip class was because they knew about my condition.

My sister was dead.

No one knew other than our band mates because it was like she never existed at the school. She stuck to her work and was pretty much a loner. I missed my twin with all her nerdiness and kindness. Jake started speaking again and what he said was like a punch in the gut.

"I know that Clara has been away from school for a month now. The girl never missed school before, even when she was sick. You've been dressing up in black, which is not like you at all, and you've basically disappeared of the face of the internet world. Why?" I sighed.

He was right.

I was always the happy go lucky girl who dressed in nice dresses and jeans. I was still in mourning over my twin's death, and yesterday I found out that my "friend" had kissed my boyfriend. "I don't want to talk about it Jake," I had to stay away from him. He was known to be a player. One of those guys that made girls fall in love with them and then drop them.

As though he read my mind, he said to me "I'm not going to try and date you. You already have a boyfriend. I just want to be friends with you," At the mention of my boyfriend, I broke down crying. It was too much that my twin had died and then he had done this.

I recalled what my dance teacher had told me when I cried whilst doing the solo I was learning. "You dance when you're in pain, when you're happy or angry. You let your feelings come into your dance. Remember that," The teachers knew that if I wasn't at class I was doing something to help me get through Clara's death.

I came back to reality and Jake was next to me, trying to comfort me. He wasn't trying anything on me, which I was glad of. "Chris did something, didn't he?" Jake asked me in a soft voice.

With tears still streaming down my face, I whispered "He kissed Evelyn and with everything else, I just couldn't deal with it,"

Jake looked shocked. "I'm going to kill him. But, Arabella, what else is wrong? Why isn't Clara at school anymore?" I looked down, wiping my tears "There was a car crash when Clara and I were walking home. I was in the wrong place at the wrong time and she-" I cut myself off, remembering the horrible incident.

We were walking down the street, talking about our day. I remembered the car coming down the hill on the straight part of the t intersection. I assumed that it wasn't turning because it didn't have its lights on so I started moving across. Clara started to follow me across. In the hospital I realised that the driver was going too fast. The car turned. I remember Clara's scream of terror just before it slammed into her and me. She jumped in front of me to save me. I blacked out and when I woke up, mum and dad were there with tears in their eyes. I realised that my twin sister was gone.

A week later, the man who killed my other half went to jail for drink driving and killing my sister, even though it was an accident. I saw him in court and when he realised he killed my sister, his eyes held a deep regret and sympathy that I didn't want to see. I had had enough from my parents and the teachers at school. I would've rather that I died with Clara than be alive without her because I just felt dead inside.

"She went into a coma for two weeks. Each day she got weaker and weaker. On the last day, I was the only one with her. I saw her go." I told him, a new wave of tears coming. I took a deep breath, composing myself, and wiping all traces of tears away from my eyes. I stood up and walked over to the mirror that covered one wall of the room, checking for any red in my eyes. There was only a little bit. I turned around, heading for the door, adjusting the black dress that I had worn for the day. "Forget this ever happened, I'm going to be disappearing soon anyways." I told him, my voice cold with a tone of finality.

His face had a few different emotions displayed across them. I could make out anger and pity, but everything else was lost on me. I shook my head, clearing any other thoughts. I had to focus on what I was going to do tonight. I walked out the door and hearing the final bell for school, walked out the gates. I walked the same route as I always had, praying for another speeding car.

I came to the road just before my house, and not caring if there was a car, walked. Suddenly a great impact came. I felt pain all along my right side. I felt the darkness of unconsciousness come, and I welcomed it.


Another old story that I may do another thing of.


EDIT: Vid on side is what I watched to get me into the right mood to write this story

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