A rainy day in early August

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(a rainy day in early august)

on a rainy day in early august
exactly one month ago
i wrote you my last message
not what i should have done though

i thought you wouldn't reply
but, you did
you said:"things been good, i got a new girl and i'm studying a lot...honestly, i'm miserable and she and i are not on good terms at the moment, if you want to, we could meet again and fuck?!"

i was speechless
how could you?
how could you ask me that?!
after all you've put me through?
though you know i was blue
and bruised
after giving it all for you
how could you?!

you had me wrapped around your finger
for 9 months
and in those 9 months i tried,
i tried to built up some defence
i really tried my best
to prove that i loved you
and the love that i felt
in my heart, became tense
each time you did not answer
each time you drank
each time you fucked me harder 'til it hurt
each time you almost hit me with your bare hand.

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