If I could see myself through a stranger's eyes

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If I could see myself through a stranger's eyes
I wonder what the picture would look like

Aquamarine, Ocean blue, a wild sea?
My waves breaking against the rocky shore of the world's hardened shell?

Fire, Burning desire, a true romancer
So hot it reflects blue within those eyes, a lover's spell?

I think nobody actually notices me, when I walk past them on the crowded streets
I'm just another ghost of their unconscious memory, forgotten

My sun's in Scorpio
My rising is Aquarius
My venus a Sagittarius
My moon, well, a scorpio too

Isn't it hilarious?

I'm wild at heart and free
Got a soul as blissful as melancholically
Am a poet yet I strongly believe, that my writing sucks and whoever reads, will think that too
Do you?

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