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"Good and evil"

Edogawa Ranpo

Theme warnings:

Type: oneshot.

You wake up from a month long coma to find your loving partner by your side who talks to you lovingly but it somehow doesn't feel right.


"No one is ever entirely evil"

Your eyes were met with darkness before you slowly peeled them open to be faced with a ceiling decorated with bright light, you quickly shut your eyes as soon as your iris made contact with the harsh light rays.

The ringing in your ear ceased to a stop and you opened your eyes again, just a little more carefully and with that came your senses that let you pick up on the sound of a heart rate monitor's never ending beeping, the quiet sound of water dripping into the IV tubes attached to your arm and the sound of muffled talking outside the room.

What made you sure that the place you were at was a hospital is the pungent smell of medicine and sanitizer.

You also felt a slight pressure on your forehead that meant that you must have had a bandage wrapped.

Your eyes slowly took in the room's appearance, starting from your right, a bed side table with a vase filled to the brim with colourful flowers. Beside it was the IV bottle whose tubes lead you to look at your arm that was bandaged with a small gap left that was plugged with needles to supply water.

The rest of the right side of the room was pretty much plain and so you lost interest rather quickly and moved to turn you head slightly towards your left where you saw the curtains fluttering high up, revealing the sunset with a mixture of yellow, orange, red and maybe a bit of purple.

Your eyes lowered to where your left hand felt a little pressure to see a tuff of brown hair and from what you could guess, it was a guy.

The lower half of his face was tucked away behind his folded arms while one of his hands held on to your own.

Your eyes widened when you saw the unknown figure and your body immediately tensed up which stirred the man awake. He blinked a few times which revealed under his eyes lashes the emerald tint of his eyes before he looked around —slowly sitting straight up— and his eyes landed on you as you continued to stare at the man.

He looked into your eyes to see if you really woke up and stood up with tears of joy before quickly leaving the room, leaving you in utter confusion and a slight fear.


15 minutes...

15 minutes it had been since the strange man went out of the room and just now came back with a doctor and a lady nurse. He was told to stay outside while they check up on you and with much hesitation he obliged.

The nurse helped you sit up and once you did the doctor asked a few questions which you answered with hesitation and confusion when most questions felt alien like to you.

The doctor sighed after he was done and made his way out, leaving the nurse to shut down the IV machine and other monitors that were of no use now.

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