38. Him (Edited)

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My head was feeling like a truck has crushed my head. It was paining so much and I was not able to even open my eyes. My heart was thumping and I was very nervous. I had no recollection of the previous events.

I tried to recall and I remembered.



He's behind all this.

I was like awake in my conscious but was not able to move or even lift a finger.

I'm kidnapped. I have to do something. I tried my best to move but,

I soon got tired and welcomed darkness again.

I woke up again and it took me a minute to subside the growing headache and open my eyes.

As soon as I opened my eyes, bright light forced me to close my eyes again and the left side of my face hurt.

I again opened my eyes slowly and observed my surroundings.

I expected myself in a dark warehouse, tied and bruised.


I was in my bedroom?

What the fuck?

Was that all a dream?

I tried to lift myself up but instead groaned in pain.

It was definitely not a dream.

I heard footsteps rushing towards my room.

I took a moment to thank god that I was saved.

Soon my brothers and father came rushing.

Twins literally attacked me with kisses. I giggled. Dustin and Noah came and shoved twins aside and hugged me.


Ethan and Dad came to my either side when Dustin and Noah released me from hug.

"Are you okay now? " Dad asked.

I looked at him and slightly nodded.

Ethan ran hand through my hair to which I relaxed.

Ryan stepped forward and all attention went to him.

"Can you talk? " He asked.

I nodded.

"What exactly happened? "

"It's not Aaron or Emery. It was Blake." Suddenly I had tears in my eyes.

"We know" He said.

"Bl-blake put his hand on my mouth and dragged me to the abandoned classroom....."

And I narrated everything. Everything.
How I fought and resisted him.

And by the end, I was full on crying.

Ryan strided towards me and hugged me tightly. Softly patting my head.

"You're safe now, don't worry"
I was still sobbing.

"I'm sorry, I failed you again-" He said but I cut him off after breaking the hug.

"No no no. Please don't say this." I said.

"Thank you for saving me" I looked at the twins believing they saved me as they were the only brothers at school that time.

"We didn't save you bambina. " Twins said.

I looked at them confused.

"Then who did? " I asked still confused.

"I did" A voice spoke as he entered the room.

Shock was clearly visible on my face.

"You? " I asked.

"Well yes" He said sheepishly.

I motioned him to come to me.

As he reached me I held his hands.

"Thank you so much for saving me today. I-I don't kno-know what would have happened if you won't have reached on time." I said as new set of tears coated my eyes and dropped.

He shook his head and wiped my tears and kissed my forehead.

As soon as he kissed, I saw a movement in my peripheral vision.

"Although you look cute and beautiful crying but I don't want tears in your eyes." He said and I blushed.

"Okay that's enough" Dustin said and pulled him away from me.

Everyone laughed at Dustin's possessiveness.

"I think you should rest now sweety. Noah will come and check on your injuries again after you'll wake up" Ethan said and I nodded.

Everyone started leaving.

But I called him again.


He stopped and turned to look at me.

"Thank you again, truly" I said and he smiled.

I was wrong suspecting him.

Dad's POV

We all came to the living room.

I directly came to the point.

"Do you like my daughter? " I asked Aaron.

All my sons stilled. Even he was caught off guard.

"No sir" We all relaxed.

Until he continued,

"I love her" He said confidently.

And that was it. All of my sons except Ryan and Ethan started making a fuss about on how they are going to beat a shit out of him.

But Aaron's gaze was sharp and confident and did not falter.

I raised my hand to make them all silent.

"Do you know we are involved in dangerous business? " I asked.

"Yes sir. I very well know that Ryan here is soon going to be the mafia king." He said.

And atleast to say I was shocked.

"Can you tell me on how exactly you know all this information? " Ryan asked this time.

Although his looks could not say anything but I know him very well. Even he was shocked.

"You can say that although I have a normal but rich family business, we've connections with underworld also." He said proudly.

I sighed.

"Her brothers won't even let you near her." I said.

"I don't care and I don't fear anyone. If I want something, I get it. And she is the love of my life. No one here can stop me from courting her" He said.

"Let's see. You won't get close to her. " Noah said angrily.

"Enough of this fight" I said.

"I still have to make sure you're right and if you'll be able to make her fall in love with you."

I continued, "if I hear that you did anything to harm her and I mean anything, then I personally won't spare you" I threatened him.

I could see all my sons looking at me in pure disapproval except Ethan and Ryan. They know what I was doing.

How can he ask permission to court my daughter with getting a threat in return.

"I'll not disappoint you sir" He said but I can see that threat did some work here.

"But all things apart, I'm really grateful of you. I would have never forgiven myself if something would have happened to her. " I said.

"It was my duty sir and I myself won't have forgiven myself." He replied and left after bidding goodbye.

I looked at his retreating back and then at Ryan.

"Have a eye on him. He's not what he seems. Something isn't right."

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