45. The Talk

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Next day came quickly and I was ready to go to school again.

Our breakfast went by quite quickly.

I was ready and Dustin was the one who volunteered to drop me to school.
Twins had their practise today and hence were in different car.

As soon as we reached school Dustin took a quick scan of the parking and then he finally let me leave the car.

I bid him a quick goodbye and went inside.

I strolled over to my locker and suddenly before i could open it someone jumped on my back. Like literally.

And a giggle left the person who hugged me. And with that i knew who was acting like a monkey today.

"Get off my back Lily" i laughed out.

"I missed you so much" she grinned while releasing me.

"I missed you too" i hugged her decently this time.

"You know na that you've a lot of explaining to do" she narrowed her eyes.

I put my hands in surrender.

"Yes mam" i said amusingly.

"You'll tell me everything but first we have to go to class or professor will kill us." She said and started dragging me.

"Wait let me keep my bag in locker and take my books." I said and quickly did my thing and was dragged by Lily.

As we went around the corner, my eyes met with other blue pair of eyes which were looking at me intensely.

And that contact was only for 1 second and the wall came in between us.


I have to confront him. I don't know what I'll say but i need to talk to him so that i can be clear about my feelings.

We reached the class and professor soon came to the class.

Lectures went by and i was going to cafeteria with Emery this time since our last lecture was together.

"So you finally show up to school after so many days" Emery said.

Her tone didn't match the expression she was giving me.

I laughed an awkward laugh and said,"Yeah, I was stuck somewhere. "

She nodded her head subtly and started walking straight.

'Did I do something to offend her?' I thought to myself frowning.

I have always got this unsettling vibe from Emery like she doesn't even want to look at my face.

We reached the cafeteria and my eyes unknowingly searched for the blue ones.

And once I found those pair, they were already looking at me. I reached the table and everyone asked about my well being and the reason why I was absent for so many days.

I was sitting next to Aaron and I nudged him.

"I wanna talk with you alone." I whispered.

He frowned but nodded his head.

"After school rooftop" he declared and looked in my eyes for 10 good seconds, but soon averted his eyes when Emery called him who was sitting on the other side of Aaron.

I quickly pulled my phone and texted Twins that I'll reach a little late to the car and don't worry much if I'm late.

I send the text and again joined the conversation.

Classes went by quick and by the end my mind was exhausted.

I remembered i have to talk to Aaron and for that, I have to clear my mind.

I settled my books in locker and took my backpack. I bid Lily goodbye and once she was out of sight, I made my way towards rooftop.

I slowly crept upstairs.

As soon as I opened the door of rooftop, I saw Aaron already standing near the railing and looking at the view in front of him.

I made my presence known with footsteps and he turned.

I waved him a hey.

Once i stepped beside him while looking at the view while still keeping considerable distance from me.

"You wanted to talk?" He asked getting straight to the point.

I sighed.

"Are you avoiding me?" I asked.
Iahve noticed hus behavior in cafeteria, he was trying to avoid me.

"If i was avoiding you then i won't have showed up here." He said nonchalantly.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"Why do you care?" He retorted.

"Because you're my friend?" The reply came out as a question.

He tsked and finally turned to me.

"Then let me ask you this straightforward, do you not get this feeling that I love you?" He threw his words at me like a bomb.


"You love me?" I asked after a minute of silence in very small voice and his eyes soften.

"Yes Lis, I love you." He declared.

I was looking in his eyes.
It doesn't feel right.
I have been with abusers that have made me or forced me to learn about the intentions or i can read eyes.

Even training of Ryan has helped me alot and I'm able to read the face.

Last time at ball, I thought Ivan wanted to say something and I even asked if he wanted to but he brushed me off.

Right now although the words and tone feels sincere, eyes do not lie.

Aaron waved his hand infront of me to bring me out of my imagination.

I focused on his eyes again, and i asked the question,

"Why did you confess now, why not earlier?"

" I saw your photo with that russian guy." He said.

"Ivan is my best friend Aaron."

"I don't care, I want you."

Warning bells ring in my head.

I take a step back.

He continued while lookingat the view,"i realised that I can't see you with anyone else beside me"

I took another step back towards the rooftop door.

"I can't commit you anything right now Aaron, I have to think about it. I can't give you answer in hasty and regret later." I said softly and tried to make him understand.

First of all my main motive was to get out of here.

Aaron stilled hearing my words.

He slowly turned towards me and took a step. I was about to take a step back when his eyes drifted to something behind me.

I turned to look behind me and surprisingly Emery was standing there.

'What is she doing here?'

I took this as my chance and bee lined towards the exit.

I looked at Emery whose eyes were fixed on Aaron.

Something is wrong with Aaron and that involved Emery too.

I didn't wait and exited the rooftop and went towards parking lot.

I tried to normal my breathing and my expression so twins don't suspect anything.

As soon as I reached them i sighed with relief.

"Where were you?" Tyler asked.

"I had to talk to one of my professors about the assignment that i missed during the holidays." The lied went out smoothly.

I had thought about it earlier only.

They didn't ask twice and we went home with them talking about some upcoming tournament and me in my deep thoughts.

I have to talk to someone, but the question is who.


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