Prologue :

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A tall young male around his twenties, stood by the counter as he leaned onto it. He stretched his arms out, yawning.

Suddenly, something caught his attention. A man had set foot into the jewelry shop. 'Finally, a customer!' The young adult male stood up straight. "Hello sir! Is there any way in which I could assist you today on this fine evening?"

"Give me all your money" The man said with his low husky voice. His facial features were blocked by the hood and sunglasses he was wearing.

"Excuse me?" "I said give me all your damn money!" He repeated, but this time a gun pointed up at the young male.

"I'm sorry sir, but I can't do that for you" The young male politely put his hands up. "Well then you're damned!!!" The man started breaking the glass and stealing all the jewels.

The red head calmly pushed a bright red button from underneath the counter. Somehow he was calm, he knew the police would be on their way.

A young beautiful woman sat in her office, eating a Kit Kat. "Officer Tysuri!" One of her colleagues came rushing into the room area. "What is it..?"

"There's a robbery going on at the jewelry shop!!!" He then rushed out of the room. "It's been a while since any of this has happened.." She whispered to her self, sighing as she got up from her desk.

The young officer then made her way into one of the patrol cars, in which her colleague waited for her.

"a robbery huh?" she whispered lowly. "Yeah, seems like someone is dumb enough to rob a jewelry store" her colleague laughed.

Once they arrived at the shop office Tysuri stepped out of the vehicle. Many other police were also surrounding the area.

*boom!* they heard a loud gunshot fire. "Hurry!" She pointed at the building.

"I'm for sure gonna be rich after this, hahahaha!" the thief laughed without noticing the presence of the cops behind him.

"Put your hands up sir! You will be arrested for robbery!!" a cop shouted, making the thief jump up.

"Oh really? Not if you catch me first!" he busted his way out. "After him!!" all of the cops started chasing him except officer Tysuri.

"hm. So you're the only one that works here?" She questioned he young male. "Yeah... first time this has ever happened" he awkwardly laughed as he scratched the back of his head.

"okay. What's your name?" she asked him. "Tanjiro kamado, what about you? If I may ask" he stretched his arm out.

She ignored him as she took out a small note book and pen to write down his name. "Mkay, and at what time did this man step foot into the store?"

"Uh, like around two or something i don't know" he stared into her eyes. "okay well that's all I needed from you" she put the notebook and pen away. "you never gave me your name!" The male sighed.

She turned to leave but as she did, she noticed a glass bowl full of candy, and on top, was a Kit Kat. "I'll be taking this" she snatched it and walked away.

"You sure do love KitKats" he laughed, pointing at a wrapper hanging out of her pocket.

"Is there something wrong with it?" She harshly turned around as she spoke with her mouth full.

"Ooh I like you" he leaned onto the counter. "Alright bye" officer Tysuri stomped off. "See you later, KitKat" The red head smiled.

(A/N ahhhhh this is my first story I hope you liked it!!! Sorry for any spelling errors! I'll try to improve my writing skills! (>•<))

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