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The sounds of festivities rose in a crescendo from within the walls of Zoo Phoenix Academy, beckoning to all who would hear. For most present, tonight was a time for celebration; for others, it meant nothing more than another prime setting for crippling anxiety.

Among the latter group was Zoo Phoenix Academy Vice Principal Zechariah Wallace, although not due to being introverted or any other related reason. No, his anxiety stemmed from an entirely different root.


Zechariah stared at himself in the mirror, his eyes dark and haunted. The face staring back at him was familiar, yet that of a stranger. He turned his head to one side, rubbing his jawline with a paw—no, a hand. His trembling fingers traced the line of black dots under each eye—stark reminders of his true nature.

He looked deeply into his own feline eyes, gripping the sides of the sink so tightly that his knuckles turned white. Those eyes told a story from the past, one that gave good reason to the shaking, the staring, the fear, and that ever-present, heart-wrenching guilt...

 Those eyes told a story from the past, one that gave good reason to the shaking, the staring, the fear, and that ever-present, heart-wrenching guilt

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"Stop fidgeting, Zechariah!"

Zech scowled, shoulders slouched and arms folded tightly across his chest as Vic dragged a brush through his hair. He wore a black suit and gold tie, while Vic wore a black dress and gold necklace to match her the outfit her "little brother" wore.

"Why do I have to go?" Zech protested for the fifth time, fidgeting in his seat despite Vic's command. "I don't even know them!"

"Stop acting like a child," Vic snapped. "You're sixteen years old. And I already told you: I am a friend of the family, and you are part of my family. That's why you have to go."

"I'd rather stay home," Zech grumbled, slouching even further.

Vic prepared to reprimand him again, but then let out a sigh, her face softening. She walked around Zech and bent down so she was eye-to-eye with him, resting her hands on her knees. "Look, Zech," she said quietly, "I know you're scared, okay? This is the first time you've ever been to an event like this."

"I'm not scared!" Zech began to insist.

"Don't try to deny it," Vic interrupted, holding up a finger and cutting Zech off. "I can see it in your eyes."

Zech's face flushed, and he looked away with an even deeper scowl than before.

"Hey." Vic reached out and turned his face back toward her. "Look at me, Zech," she murmured. "It's gonna be okay. I'll stick by your side for the whole thing."

"I don't need you babying me," Zech mumbled, still avoiding her eyes.

"Then maybe you should stop being a baby," Vic replied with a smirk.

Z E C H A R I A H : HumanityWhere stories live. Discover now