The Lord of the Night

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The Mad Dog of Gotham


Part 1

Bludhaven. A city that might be viewed as a hellhole for others but it is one filled with energy and life. It may not be like Gotham, a city Bludhaven is geographically close to, but the city itself has its goods and bads too. Crime, corruption, parties...It all happens around this city thus filling this hellhole of a city energy and life, giving an atmosphere that was enough to attract the worst and crazy kinds of people. Definitely the crazy kind.


Harley:"*stepping in* Ahhh, good ol' Bludhaven! Glad to see ya never changed."

Psycho:"Alright, remind me why we're here again."

Harley:"Okay, to answer your question, we're here to recruit another member to our crew and I'm pretty sure you're gonna love hearing about this one. Now, I'm not sure how much you guys are catching up with the news goin' around this city but apparently, there's this one thing that's been sort of trending here. They call this guy "The Lord of the Night"."

Psycho:"The Lord of the Night? Sounds like a title for a 50's movie. What do we know about this guy?"

Harley:"Rumor has it, he's a tough guy around here. Some say he even beat the sh** out of 50 people all by his own. Some even say the guy's a former yakuza too and...yeah, I have nothing else to say but those three."

Clayface:"Ah! Going with the muscle now, are we? With a guy like him, he could be a fine addition to our group."

Psycho:"Okay, okay, that sounds really informative and all but do we at least know what this guy looks like? Do we have like a photo or something or..."


Psycho:"*surprised* What?! So we came all this way to Bludhaven for a guy we don't even know what he looks like?!"

Harley:"Hey look, we have one important thing and that's information. According to what I've found, this guy's a manager of Cabaret Club named Grand and that's a few blocks away from where we are at right now."

Psycho:"Okay, fine. We'll check that out then."

Harley smiled and the crew went on to head to their destination in hopes to find the guy they wish to recruit.


In the Cabaret Grand, people were enjoying their time, drinking their drinks and having fun with the hostesses accompanying them. The doors then burst open and Harley and her crew stepped inside the club. It was something they weren't expecting at all.

They expected a party and some blaring music playing inside the club but instead, they got to see a club that was more classy to their taste. Jazz was playing and instead of a DJ, the club had a full band lineup with an assortment of instruments in hand at the front end of the club.

 Jazz was playing and instead of a DJ, the club had a full band lineup with an assortment of instruments in hand at the front end of the club

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The Mad Dog of Gotham (Male Goro Majima Reader x Harley Quinn Animated Series)Where stories live. Discover now