4: Undercover(filler)

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*weeks after the last chapter*

Your pov:

It's been weeks since my helmet was damaged I hated seeing it in such a state...I hated so much as showing my face to others as it went against the Madalorian code but what can I do it'll take an entire moth before the needed metals to fix it arrive and even longer just to repair it...I guess I'll just have to rely on my hood to cloud my appearance for now.
As I place the helmet to the side there was a knock at my door I pulled mh hood up and faced my back to the door


The person does and does so quietly

Genocide:"state your business here,I have things to do"

Sidious:"hmm to me it looks like your bruting over a destroyed toy"


Instantly I turned around and bowed but I dare not let him see my face especially after my failure

Sidious:"why so uptight my young friend?"

Genocide:"I failed master,and my helmet was destroyed"

Sidious:"yes,yes I am aware of it,but there is a good outcome from this"

Genocide:"what can possible be good about this!?"

I glared up at him but he only liked back at me with a calm smile as if everything was under his control,he pulled down his hood showing me his face

Sidious:"for you see,having your identity hidden breathes a doorway to many opportunities"


He only smiles at me before pulling back up his hood and gesturing for me to follow.


No one pov:

In the lower levels of Coruscant an explosion had happend causing a minor panic wich was quick to be resolved thanks to the jedi being dispatched turns put that the exploding was caused from a surge on world and no proof of an enemy attack,there were no casualties and only a small handful of people were injured,among them was a black haired boy who seemed very fond of the jedi.

??boy:"so you're an actual jedi padawan huh?"

The boy asked towards the young togruta who seemed to be around his age and one of the jedi dispatched to help deal with the problem.


??boy:"that's awesome,I always wondered what it'd be like to be a jedi"

Ahsoka giggled as she shared a lengthy conversation with the black haired boy

Anakin:"ahsoka! C'mon we gotta get back to the temple"

Ahsoka:"hey,you mind if I stay here I wanna help my new friend out"

Anakin:"umm sure I dont see why not but if anything comes up you come right away okay?"


Nodding Anakin along with a few other jedi and clones left the lower levels of Coruscant while she stayed behind.
She turns to her friend and smiles

Ahsoka:"so Y/n right?,you needed help getting what kind of metal again?"

Y/n:"beskar...its super durable,I think Madalorians used it in their armor"

Ahsoka:"yeah,I've heard that too but what do you want with that stuff?"

Y/n:"oh,its a hobby,I like collecting rare metals a d well beskar is the only one I dont have yet"

Ahsoka:"ok,so where do we start?"

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