pov you listen to after like by IVE with him

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after the hearing, you're surprised to hear that saul has invited you out for a cup of coffee. you accept the offer (why wouldnt u dumbass bitch.) anyways you get to the tim hortons nearby where the two of you engage in more kpop related conversations, one of them being about IVE's latest comeback, After Like. you talk about the song for a while, a duration much longer than the song itself.

god, you totally have feelings after like for this man..

anyways after you finish up your coffee he asks if you'd like to go and review some documents about the court case with him at his house. you accept, thinking this could be more than just reviewing documents..

you get there and this man has the UGLIEST decor you've ever seen, but he's hot so it makes up for it. you sit down on his couch as he pulls out his file that contains lots of printed out pictures. he puts on the song After Like by IVE as he pulls out some pictures you're surprised to see..

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