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I was climbing the mountain when a similar face offered me to stay in his place, he told me that in the night, horrible demons appear. I had to say no to his request, I wanted to come home with my family and bring the money that I earn, and in the morning, continue making coal to have a big meal for new year. This new year will be a special one, this time I will be doing our traditional dance, because father isn't with us now.

Mr: Tanjiro, if you won't stay please take this katana with you, it was from a descendent of mine, he used it to decapitate this demons and kill them to protect people.

Tanjiro: I can't accept it! It must be precious if it is from a descendant.

Mr: If you take it I wont bother you now, and if you want you can come back and give it to me tomorrow.

Tanjiro: If I give it back later I can take it.

I took the katana and went home, in my way up I suddenly smell a scent of blood, and another think, it did not smell either a human or an animal, it was confusing.

I Tun to my house to see a person with blue-grey skin and yellow eyes, it had three eyes that had write in one of them 1, he also have horns all over it body. I was in fear, not because of the demon, it was because I saw my family dead on the ground, in the hands of this "human" I saw my little sister, she was shaking hardly while veins burst from her skin. Seconds later, all there was left was blood, not even a body member on the ground, just blood.

Lower 1: What a shame~ it looked that you had potential to be a demon, maby my blood isn't enough to convert you into a demon, it just killed you. It's just.... Wonderful!

The thing laughed while it just stand in front of my family corps, in silence I took the katana and run into this abomination.

Lower 1: It looks that this hoe had another rat, she had to much fun in her life~

Tanjiro: Don't you dare say my mother a hoe! She was a respectful mother, the best that I could have!

In just seconds this monster punch me, this make me fly until a tree stoped me. I couldn't move, see or smell, not even feel, I'm gonna die just as my other relatives? I will not accomplish their revenge?

All this thinks came to my mind, and then I heard a voice, he was telling me to get up.

Lower 1: Oh? Are you still alive? I though you'll die here with that punch, what a strong human! I should try my blood with you then! Maby you need less blood as your little sister~

Tanjiro: 𝗗𝗜𝗘

My body was moving alone, I could only see what was happening and heard a voice, then I only saw black. A figure appeared in the dark, he looked really alike as my father, he was saying something but I couldn't listen because of this loud noise.

Tanjiro: Wha-


A loud and hurting sound could be listened by this demon, he was in agony, but why?

When my eyes where finally seeing properly, I could see that monster lying on the ground without his head. The I remember what that man said to me, "He used to decapitate this demons and kill them to protect people"


A? Me? But I did nothing, maybe my body moved alone, I don't know. Then that man from my dream came in my mind.

Tanjiro: Maybe it was him?

Lower 1: Aa??? Who you talking about kid? I also loosed with a crazy kid!!

That were his last words before disappearing from this world, in my shock I totally forgot about my family corpses, what a bad sibling I am if I don't even remembered about the dead corpses of my own family.

Tanjiro: The least I could do now is to bury their corpses and rest in peace.

While I bury my family I thought to myself what a horrible person I was. If I didn't stand in silence while the other demon did to Nezuko she would many still alive, if I didn't stayed so long in the village I could've safe my family or die with them in peace, but now I am alone, with nothing more than the buried corpses of my relatives. I couldn't resist more and started crying, if only one of them could stay alive with me, life wouldn't be so grey like it looks now, that one who could still live would have been my light of hope. But because of my fault, nothing like it would exists in this universe, many in another one my relatives would be still alive and having a new year celebration with a big meal while I have my first dance, or maybe at least let someone alive.

Tanjiro: What is the sense of life if I can't even be with the ones I love, or that I can't even protect my family, I hate myself for not protecting my family and only had the "strength" to save myself. I'm such a stupid being.

I took my katana off and put it on the side of my neck, I couldn't imagine the faces of my family watching me from the sky while I try to kill myself, they would be disappointed with me, but maybe doing this would free me of my useless existence.

I was about to cut my neck and end this suffering, but then, with my death eyes, I saw a man, the one who I saw in that dream, he didn't smell of anything, he was like a soul, maybe he was.

???: Tanjiro don't, this isn't your solution, if you want to be useful and honor your family, you could prevent this happens to other families. Just like I did in the past.

Tanjiro: You were that man of my dream, so your telling me that I could be useful and avoid this to happen again?

???: Yes, when you were dreaming I took your body and used it to protect your life, because I see potential in you, you could be the one to save us all.

Tanjiro: But how? I couldn't even protect the things that I love, so how could I be the clue of the saving of this world?

???: Because your a descendant of my breathing and skills Tanjiro, you even developed a mark in your short life.

Tanjiro: What mark? Are you talking about the burning scar?

He stayed in silence. I run and looked for a mirror just to see a mark like that spirit in my forehead, what was that? I also could see my dead eyes, I was so different from how I was in the past, now I can barely feel any emotion.

Tanjiro: How did it changed?

???: A demon slayer can develop one, they make their owners stronger, but one of the consequences are that they not live longer than 25.

Tanjiro: There's no problem, I don't want to live in this world anymore, but until I reach the age of 25 I will keep this world safe from those who hurt people, so please tell me how do I accomplish that goal.


That's all! If there's some grammar mistakes please correct me, I'm not an actual English speaker, but I wanted to improve doing this fanfic.

The demon who killed Tanjiro's family was past lower moon 1, that in this fanfic exists.

Words: 1310

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