Stupid child

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Tommy's pov:

I should get up now I thought to myself. I get up off my bed and go into the bathroom. "I look like a mess" I thought out loud. I pick up my toothbrush and start brushing my teeth I know I'll be forced to take a shower soon but I will put that as much off as I can. When I finish brushing my teeth I get dressed in a red flower sweater ironc huh. I brush my hair making sure to get everything. As I set down my brush I hear Wilbur coming to my room and I already hate this day.

Wilburs pov:
I walk towards flowers room. I can't wait to see him maybe he will be asleep. As I reach his room I hear shuffling inside. To bad I didn't get to see flower asleep I thought as I pouted.

I turn the knob to his room and can't wait to see him. "Flower I'm here". I announce to the room. "Hello Wilbur" he says. His voice has so much disgust in it that Im shocked.

Third person:

Tommy just wanted thing's to go back to normal. Sure they were bad but this is like an actual hell. Wilbur glares at tommy as though he just committed mass murder. He quickly realizes his mistake and wishes he were dead. "Sorry hello Wilby" he says rushed. Wilburs stare seems to lessen just a bit before focusing in on Tommy's eye bags. "Flower look at your eyes how late did you stay up last night!" Wilbur practically shouts as he looks like he's ready to punch Tommy. "I couldn't go back to sleep after I woke up jackass" Tommy spat with as much venom as he could muster.

Wilbur finally cracks and grabs Tommy's sweater. Tommy realizes he's in deep shit like really deep shit. "You've been cutting yourself again you little bitch haven't you! Your so fucking selfish!" Wilburs shouts. Tommy couldn't believe it the man in the nightmare was right he was selfish. Tommy wouldn't fall so quickly though. "I'm not fucking selfish!" Tommy shouts as his voice trembles with unshed tears.

"Yes you have! DO YOU KNOW HOW THIS AFFECTS ME! DO YOU EVEN CARE ABOUT ME!? AT LEAST APOLOGIZE FOR WORRYING ME WITH YOUR HABITS YOU FUCKING BITCH!" Wilbur shouts as his grips tighten and his fist ball up. "This situation isn't about you Wilbur." Tommy all but whispers as his air gets cut off. "I WILL HIT YOU TOMMY! MAYBE THEN YOULL LEARN TO NOT BE A BRAT YOU SELFISH CUNT." Wilbur says as he pulls his hand up and hits Tommy. As Wilbur let's go of Tommy he says one lat final thing. "I hope you kill yourself" as he walks out the door slamming it behind him. Tommy sits down on his floor and finally cry's as the mornings events get to him. He just can't believe it is he the problem? As he sits there lost in his thoughts with no one to help him he cry's like a baby only wanting someone to hold him like one to. Telling him it would be okay and there's nothing to worry about. He weeps knowing he will never have that ever again.

I hope you guys like this chapter! English isn't my first language so the first few chapters suck but I  learned a bit more so it's all good. Also can you tell that the conversation between Wilbur and Tommy is one I had with my mom? Love projecting lol. Anyway take care of yourself and have a good day much love - Milo <3

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