Chapter 7

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During the week Rosé spent at Jennie's, she hadn't let the blonde do anything other than relax and studying. Jennie had been insistent that Rosé should focus on healing. She spent a lot of the first few  days drugged up and sleeping. On Thursday, Rosé refused to take anything other than Tylenol or ibuprofen so she was more awake and could actually study. Jennie yelled at her when she got home to the blonde bending over and stretching. She said it wasn't smart to do when all alone with a head injury, even if the view was nice to come home to. The whole time, Rosé convinced herself that this is what friends do for each other and the domesticity that gave her a thrill she didn't want to name was just a side effect of so much time spent together.

When Rosé finally went home that Sunday, the tension in the apartment could be cut with a knife. Lisa and Jisoo had both apologized for their behavior. Jisoo promised she would be more respectful and Lisa agreed. Lisa looked like she wanted to say more but had just sadly looked away. Rosé wasn't sure what to do with all of it. She was still irritated, even if she had accepted the apology. The couple had walked on eggshells around her and Rosé wasn't sure how they could fix things to be back to normal.

When Rosé showed up in class on Monday, she had been surprised by being welcomed back by some of her fellow students. A few had even asked her how she was feeling. It confused her until she found out that they had noticed she was in bad shape the Tuesday of the week before that she had gone to classes and then some had been at Jennie's presentation. Rosé appreciated the good wishes. It was something she wouldn't have thought to do for someone else. She would have noticed if someone she knew was not in class, but her social skills could use some work, thus Lisa and Jisoo being her only friends. Well, and now Jennie.

Thinking about Jennie reminded Rosé that this weekend was Fall break. She had to cement their plans, so she knew what to bring. Rosé was just happy that she was feeling better and hoped that by the time they left she was up to more than just a short make-out session. When leaving her last class, she found Jennie in the hallway chatting with some students. Jennie saw her and gave her a small smile. Rosé smiled back and headed home.

Opening the apartment door, she found Lisa sitting on the couch.

Lisa looked at her. "Hey, Rosé. How are you feeling after going to classes?"

Rosé shrugged. "Mostly tired with a headache."

Lisa nodded and looked off like she was searching for something. Seeming to find it, she looked back at the blonde. "Can we talk?"

Rosé took a deep breath and nodded. "Just let me put my stuff down."

Lisa nodded again.

Rosé quickly put her stuff in her room and came back out. She sat on the opposite end of the couch and turned to look at her best friend.

Lisa visibly took a deep breath before looking at Rosé. "I know I said this yesterday, but I really am sorry. I realize I was being an absolute dick and should have respected your privacy. I was just aiming to pick on you a bit, but I took it way too far with Jisoo. We were both so curious about who it could be, whether it was just being nosy or wanting to solve a mystery, I don't know, neither of which is an excuse."

Rosé just nodded. "I just can't understand why knowing was so important. You knew it was just for a semester, even if you didn't know who it was. You should be happy, you are the one that was pushing for me to get laid. Now, I am, for the time being at least. Did you really need to know the details?" Rosé asked.

Lisa shrugged. "You've been happier than normal. I like that. You deserve to be happy. I want that to continue and to be honest, I was hoping if I figured out who it was, maybe I could find someone else for you or figure out a way for you to continue having your good times."

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