9. Different world

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      Have you ever had the twisted feeling in your chest and your head keep on overthinking about things . Like ' Will they avoid me? ' ' am I being too much?' ' Are they thinking rude of me?' when you head over to a ' stranger's home'?

     Well because that's exactly what Jimin is feeling right now. Despite being the sassy bully he is in the outside , even he has his own insecurities and that's exactly why he most often put the 'i don't give a fuck' mask on his face . Because it feels like he is pathetic...to show his emotions,to show his weak side

    And this atmosphere is too new for him to handle ..

   " Oh my jungkookie ! You are back home, come inside I made your favourite ramen" A lady's high-pitched yet sweet voice said as jimin and Jungkook entered the younger's home.

   " Ye eomma" Jungkook chimed with a big smile as he put his backpack on the ground as he lend out his hand to Jimin who nonchalantly nodded as he gave his bag to him before taking a look at the surrounding, the room was well cleaned and neat and not to mention the calming scent which makes him feel calm

    " Oh ! You bought your friend ? You should have said that before gukk-ah" A lady in her mind 40's aka Jungkook's mom said as she came in thier view .

     " He- "

     " I am Jimin , Jungkook's classmate . Nice to meet you mam " Jimin cutted him off with a polite bow as the lady smiled her bunny smile

     " You are really a handsome and kind boy" Mrs.Jeon said as Jungkook sneakily took a scoffing glance at jimin who secretly glared at him making the younger cough out loud

     " Remember the competition I told you mom . We may need to practice here as we are a team " Jungkook said as his mom nodded patting his shoulder .

   " No problem . Go upstairs I will bring you both some food later . Practice well " She said as they both smiled as jimin bowed slightly before making it to Jungkook's room. 

    " It won't be much but I hope you can adjust " Jungkook said refering to the room size which was actually pretty normal . Not big yet not small

     " It's fine " Jimin said as he plopped on the bed feeling the soft material as he looked at Jungkook who looked ..wierd ?

    " Do I have something on my face , idiot?" Jimin asked turning to his bully self as Jungkook shook his head Chuckling a little. 

    Please not the chuckle , Jimin always thought this kid is wierd . Like jimin will expect a reaction from the younger whenever he did something, like mad , anger , cold.  But it was always different . This kid was always different .

     " Now it seems normal " Jungkook let out under his breath but being the jimin he is, he heard it loud and clear. 

    " What seems normal, huh?" Jimin asked with a frown and glaring eyes as he looked at Jungkook.  He didn't wanted to let his facade down.  Nope , he can't .

    " It's just .. it's just that you were acting different few minutes ago " Jungkook said with his bunny smile , he was genuinely happy with that side of jimin too ... Always ..

     " Well , I am not that cruel if you ask. Moreover my mom didn't raised me like that " Jimin gave him a cocky look as Jungkook just laughed . He was happy that they are having these conversations.

      " Whatever . Time to plan the choreo isn't it? I don't have much time " Jimin said as Jungkook nodded before playing the music .

     Thanks to whoever it is who built Jungkook's room sound proof . They were comfortable enough to practice that song without any teasing comments of anyone .

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