3. The first meeting

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Still Flashback

   Pete open his eye slowly not used to the sun that shine through the window. He woke up look around and took some minutes to realize that he was in a hospital. Then all the memory has come back to him his grandmother dead and his break up every thing just come back. 

   After a moment the door open, Pete turn his to face the door, a figure 6' feet tall, dark hair, whiskey eye, chisel jaw lined, cold face with that black tailor suit that man is perfect in every way. He walk toward Pete accompany by some man in black Pete thought they must be his body guard.

The man walk closer and closer toward Pete who was in silence but his heart was about pound hard it almost pop outside.

After staring at Pete for a moment that man decide to speak.

Vegas POV

" How are you feeling Pete?" Vegas ask

After a long silence Pete answer his voice stammer

" H-how can you know my name? Who are you? Why am I here? What do you want?"

Pete ask without breathing and that gain a laugh from Vegas. In his thought, how can this boy be this innocent and cute?

" Why are you laughing?" Pete can't help but ask. He ask all that question because he expect answer but Vegas laugh, Pete was a bit angry too.

" Because you're cute little bunny." Vegas 

" Huh?" Pete was confuse what cute in this moment? Is this man crazy?

" I'm Vegas. You are here because I saved you and for the name part how can I save anyone without knowing their background." Vegas

" Wh-"

" Ask for what I want is you" Vegas said with a smirk his face turned dark but a second later his face turn to his cold expression.

"What?" Pete ask as he not heard it clearly because he was busy processing to what Vegas just said.

" You save me?" Pete ask still unsure.

" That right or do you doubt my intention little bunny?" Vegas ask with a smirk on his lips.

" No"

" Thank you for saving me." Pete said he look at Vegas in the eye.

But he doesn't know that he just make Vegas awake a monster in his body. Vegas look straight to Pete eye he never thought there are any person to born with such an eye. A big doe eye, most alluring eye in the world. The eye that can seduce u with just a glance then you will fall deep that there is no turning back. Seeing Pete eye with that expression on his face make Vegas groin tighten in his pant and suddenly the room become hot. Vegas swallow, his jaw tighten as he try to push back the monster in it cage and lock it.

" I don't want a thank. There is something else I want." Vegas 

"What do you want? As long as it not beyond maybe I can do it" Pete

" I want u to work for me" Vegas

" What kind of work? It not illegal isn't it. I'm not going to steal, kill or murder anyone." Pete said his voice is serious 

" I want you to be my personal assistance. Do you really think I'm a such a person?" Vegas 

" As long as it not illegal I will do it, since u save me" Pete. How can he refused after all Vegas was the one who save him.

" Being my personal assistance is not illegal little bunny" Vegas said with a little laugh seeing Pete look all so serious

" Then what should I do? I mean as your personal assistance I'm not that good at computer" Pete ask.

" Who say u will use computer?" Vegas seem like asking back rather than answer.

" Then what an assistance do? Sit around and do nothing?" Pete snapped back suddenly he got the courage. Because as far as he know an assistance job is to assist their boss with work.

" So you are the fierce one. Don't worry little bunny you will have many thing to do" Vegas 

" Like what?" Pete

" As my personal assistance your work is to prepare and maintain my daily schedule not work schedule but the personal one. That include my food, my clothes and also" Vegas pause and lean close to Pete ear and whisper

" My underwear" 

Pete was freeze then he process what happen and realize that Vegas was way too close so he push him away.

" You pervert" Pete can't help but cursed at Vegas

" Call me that again then I might show you what a pervert can do" Vegas snapped back he not much a person who u can tease or joke with if it was other Vegas would have blow their head off. But with Pete, how can Vegas be that cruel to such a cute and innocent person.

" " Pete chose to stay silent know that he shouldn't play with fire.

Vegas hand Pete a letter somehow like a contract. Pete receive it with frowned he ask

" A contract? Why would we need it?" 

" We need it little bunny to make sure u won't run off" Vegas 

" I'm not a coward." Pete paused still looking at the contract a surprise and confuse expression on his face.

" Staying in your house? Isn't it a bit too much?" Pete

" It not too much after all u are my personal assistance" Vegas 

Pete still thinking unsure what to do until Vegas patience run out and ask

" Do we got a deal? If yes then sign it, I won't take no as and answer." Vegas said in his cold voice with his facial expression never change but if u look deep in his whiskey eye u can see that he desperately what Pete to say yes then every thing will be easier.

'Then why bother asking to crazy bastard' Pete think dare not to say it out loud. Then Pete sign the contract that Pete doesn't know that it was like walking right into a lion lair.

Back to Present

   In a room full of black decoration, a big size bedroom, a perfect scenario of the view at the toward a garden full of rose and if u look at that king bed size you will see a small figure sleeping so soundly like he could sleep forever. After hearing a chirping of bird and the shining of sun through the window make the small figure wake up ready to take on a new day.

Pete POV:

   Pete sit still having no idea he was naked, when he finally decide to wake up, he gaze around and observe his surrounding and realize that he wasn't in his room then his brain is processing to all the events he try to think about what happen 

' School, Dane, club, drunk and Vegas' He think then he finally aware of his soreness, his back aching and finally he look down under the blanket and seeing the sight he was naked. Pete eye become big due to shock, all sleepiness now gone away like someone has splash him with cold water. He gasps and shout

" What the hell happen last night?" 

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