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FYI, the videos I put on here are the videos i listen to as I make these chapters, so if you want, you can listen to them as you read

Ichigo watched as the light slowly left Kaitey's eyes, he couldn't believe it.

Kyo had killed her.

Kaitey was dead.

Ichigo's fists clenched as he stood, everyone else was fighting even harder now, the rage growing stronger. Ichigo started walking towards Kyo, his step quickening until he was at a full sprint towards the Shiki.

Kyo brought out his katana but Ichigo yelled loudly as he swung his sword down onto Kyo's. He pushed Kyo back then pursued him, his attacks becoming stronger and with a lot more force.

Kyo growled loudly and tried cutting Ichigo's arm, but Ichigo was quicker, and he grabbed Kyo's arm. Ichigo's grip turned deadly as he sharply twisted Kyo's arm, making a loud snapping sound, and swung him over his head. Kyo hit a tree and made the tree fall over.

Kyo looked at his arm with distaste then glared at Ichigo, "You bitch, you broke my arm."

Ichigo started swinging his sword by the cloth as he walked towards Kyo, "Like I care Shiki." His voice laced with sarcasm.

Shiro chose that time to look over at Ichigo to see him swinging his word exactly as he would. An image flashed through his mind of him teaching Ichigo how to do it; Shiro shook his head and focused of trying to kill the annoying blue-haired vampire.

Ichigo now stood over Kyo, towering over him with a dark aura. Ichigo's sword would scrape the ground every now and then, until he lifted it higher. Kyo figured out what was going to happen, and tried reaching for his sword.

But Ichigo wouldn't have any of that; he swung the sword down by the cloth and sliced off Kyo's arm. Kyo let out a scream of pain and recoiled back against the tree. Shiro's head shot to the side to see what was happening to Kyo.

He growled and started running at Ichigo to stop him, his own sword gripped tightly in his hand.

Kyo watched with wide eyes as Ichigo swung his sword down again, aiming directly for his head.

Ichigo spoke quickly as his sword came down, "This is for my son and my sister. I'll see you in Hell." The a flash of blood filled Kyo's vision.

Ichigo swung his sword back and caught it, watching as blood dripped from the blade. He had completely cut off Kyo's head, it lay a few inches away from his quickly bleeding body.

Ichigo turned just in time to see an enraged Shiro swinging his sword at him just as he did to Kyo. Ichigo quickly blocked it and knocked it away from him, but Shiro got closer and kicked Ichigo harshly in the gut, sending him flying backwards.

As he flew backwards, Ichigo cursed as he saw Shiro following quickly after him. Shiro caught him by the throat and threw him into the ground. Ichigo hit it with a loud thud, and had made a crater. Ichigo got up quickly and blocked an attack from above. Shiro tsked and jumped back, then swung his sword again.

Lust for Love or for Blood (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now