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Shiro's pov. ~

My feet thrummed against the solid ground, lifting up pieces of dirt and grass in their wake. My speed eventually picked up, bit by bit; the wind blowing through my hair at a rapid pace. The world seemed like it couldn't keep up with me, the sounds of people running and screaming blurred to a strange sound incomprehensible to anything or anyone. I loved the adrenaline rushing through my veins; it almost felt as good as killing, almost.

A flash of silver sped past my vision, but I kept going, I know what it is, and it doesn't scare me one bit; I know they won't be able to catch me. Several more flew in front and from behind, I stopped and jumped upwards into the trees, landing swiftly on a branch. I continued to run, I didn't want anything to do with them if he wasn't in their midst; and he wasn't. I want him to feel my pain, but I can't do that if he doesn't see my wrath. 

Another arrow was speeding toward my back, 'stupid hunters', I turn abruptly, and catch the silver arrow. In one quick motion, I brake the useless thing, and continue onto my next destination. After a while, the voices grow ever more distant and finally case to exist. 

"Slow punks."

My pace slows and I finally stop near a river; I look down at my reflection. My eyes look over the copy me in the water, white with red stains all over; yellow and black, penatrating eyes. I am beautiful in a way, but I am also frightening beyond belief; it's all part of the price for being what I am, a monster that thirsts for ever lasting violence. I sigh, then lay next to the shimmering water, stretching my limbs out; I'm not tired, I'm just bored. 

No. Bored is an understatement. I'm heart broken; and there's no fixing that, none what so ever.

"Stupid Ichigo," I slam my fist onto the ground beside me, "where are you?"

Ichigo's pov. ~

I can feel him pacing around me, watching me while I listen to him. He sounds calm but also a little agitated; am I making him feel this way? I want to speak to him, but I know I'll get hit again; but, I need to know.

"Hear me out!"

I say it quickly so he hasn't got the time to hit me, I know he has stopped and is facing me, I can pretty much feel the curiosity rolling off him.

I continue slower this time, "Can you just please remove this blind fold? I promise I won't do anything funny, I just want to see where I am at least. It's not like I'll be able to go anywhere the way I'm tied up," I try to move my hands as proof.

Shoes scuffing on floor rings into my ears, and I tense my body, readying for the punch, but I am surprised to see light evade my sight. I shut my eyes, the suddenness of it hurts, but slowly, I open them again. A room not very big with only one light hanging from the ceiling comes to view; I navigate my eyes around to see a man about 6' with dark shaggy hair hanging over his eyes standing in the corner, watching me. He doesn't seem any older than Shiro or myself, but I know that in my state, he could kill me if he wanted.

"What's your name?"

It comes out before I can stop it, I quickly close my mouth, but the man doesn't move. In contrast to what I was once again expecting, he speaks to me, "Zero."

His voice! It was deep, but had a certain touch to it that you were immediately drawn to him, I could even feel myself pulled to him, "Zero?"

He gives his head a slight nod.

"I'm Ichigo.."

"I know who and what you are, no need for you to explain yourself to me."

Zero's interruption was sudden and surprising, he doesn't seem like one who would talk a lot to anyone.

"Oh. I'm sorry," I know I shouldn't be so formal with him, but I can't be rude or even aggressive, I'll be dropped in less than a second, "Do you know why I'm here?"

Zero's eyes narrow but he speaks none the less, "Yes I do."


"Well what? I answered your question."

My face contorts into the expression of someone who was just put into the right by something extremely trivial, but made them look stupid.

"Can you explain it to me?"


He leans against the wall with a big grin on his face; so he's actually just like Shiro isn't he?

"Why not? I have a right don't I?"

"Not really."

I feel my body start to seethe, he is playing exactly like Shiro, "Yes I do. I'm the one tied up, and my life seeming like it could end any moment. I deserve to know."

Zero steps away from the wall, places one hand on the top of my chair, and leans in close to my face, grinning, "You'll have to give me something in return."

I turn my face slightly, confused, but then it hits me. The devilish look in his eyes. Is every guy just ecstatic to jump my bones! 

"Why should I do that for you if you haven't even told me?"

"If you give me something, I'll return the favor. That's just who I am."

I don't trust him, but if I find out why I'm here, I might just come up with a plan to escape, I sigh, "What is it you want from me?"

Zero's face contorts more to look like a grinning devil, "I want to taste you."

Lust for Love or for Blood (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now