Sneak Peak of the Second Story: Hell Butterflies

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Shiro stood his ground as a black shadow came flying at him, when it got closer, he held up his hand and whispered something under his breath. Kei fell to the ground, his shadow practice a bust now. He glared up at Shiro who just smirked in return.

"Hey, it's not my fault you didn't block out my power."

Kei got up and brushed himself off, "Ya, ya...but it's hard when you're a Shiki dad."

Shiro just shrugged his shoulders," You're part Shiki, you'll get there in time kiddo." Shiro rufffled Kei's hair then started walking back to the house.

Kei followed a bit slower, his mind was elsewhere. Shiro looked back, and got ready to sucker punch him, but Kei held up his hand just in time to stop it.

Shiro grinned, "Not bad, boy."

Their walk home was long, and kind of boring. When they got there, Icbigo was sittifng on the door step, rocking in a chair, and dozing off.

Shiro quickly ran over to him, picked him up, and started to swing him around in a blissful hug, "Oh my dear love! Did ya miss me!"

Ichigo was fully awak by now and punched Shiro in the head. Shiro instantly put Ichigo down and held his head. Kei walked up with a smile on his face, watching as Shiro fake cried, and Ichigo scold him.

"You know I hate it when you supries me like that!" Ichigo was about to yell some more before he doubled over in pain.

Ichigo gripped his stomach tightly as Shiro and Kei picked him up, and quickly brought him inside the house.

Kei had ordered Shiro to lay Ichigo on the small white bed in the healing room, then hooked up some wires to his mother. Kei was the smartest person here at the time, Grimmjow, Beth, and Sammy had left to go talk to the Hunters and tell them their story.

Shiro held Ichigo's hand tightly as Ichigo gritted his teeth in pain. Moving his attention to Kei, he asked what was wrong with Ichigo.

Kei's expression was extremely baffled looking as he watched the small screem show a bunch of words, then pictures, then charts. He turned slowly to Shiro, then spoke quietly, " Dad.....I think.....I think mum is°°°°°°°°°°°°°°

~Lol got ya didn't I? Well, since this story was just so fun, i think i am going to write another one. It will be called Hell Butterflies and what you just read is going to be in it. So if ylu really are a Lust for Love Or For Blood fan, then you should keep going strong and read the next book. Until then my lovelies!!!! ♡♡♡♥♥♥

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