Chapter 4: Black Pearl Cookie

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"The infamous sea beast, Black Pearl Cookie, is now gone, but we don't know if she lurks around here. So until then, we should stay on guard around the merfolks until we can be sure that we are free to swim around the ocean. Are we clear?" Captain Caviar Cookie gave orders to his navy soldiers.

"Yes, sir!" the soldiers said before they swam around to keep the ocean safe. Leaving Captain Caviar Cookie, Candy Diver Cookie, and two of the sea navy cookies behind. (The sea navy cookies are Republic Sailor 1 and Republic Sailor 2)

"Before we go, may I ask something important, sir?" Sea Navy Cookie 1 asked.

"Make it quick, I will also help in patrol and we can't waste a time," Captain Caviar Cookie said with a serious tone.

"Well, when Black Pearl Cookie appear and everyone was busy making sure anyone is far away from her, where were you for a long period of time?" Sea Navy Cookie 2 said.

"Now that you mentioned it, he wasn't around until morning," Sea Navy Cookie 1 said as both stared at Captain Caviar Cookie.

Captain Caviar Cookie was a bit nervous to say as he didn't want them to know that he saved a cookie from the falling ship. But he kept a cool head and glares at them. "Whatever it is, it is my duty to take of everyone here. So enough questions and I order you to investigate that sunken ship." He pointed at the ship which is the same ship owned by Oyster Cookie.

They salute the captain before they swam to the ship. Captain Caviar Cookie sighs as he doesn't know why he is acting like this. Candy Diver Cookie looks at him and shows a hand gestures to him what's wrong.

Captain Caviar Cookie looks at them and sighs. "Don't tell this to everyone but...I saved a cookie from drowning in the sea."

Candy Diver Cookie shows gestures that it doesn't seem so bad to hide something on saving a cookie.

"I know but I don't know why but cookie...impress me? Not sure...ugh!" Captain Caviar Cookie scratches his head in frustration as he never had this kind of feeling before and needs to stop now. "Why am I thinking about this woman? I barely learn her and I just find her great by appearance."

Candy Diver Cookie pointed at the statue if that is the cookie he is talking about. Captain Caviar Cookie nodded and stare at the statue to recall why Oyster Cookie doesn't find this statue great since it really suits her.

Captain Caviar Cookie shakes his head to concentrate. "I should forget about her, she's a cookie from land while I'm from the sea. I don't know who she is and she doesn't know me. I am not like Sorbet Shark Cookie who wanted to be a cookie."

Candy Diver Cookie is confused and shows gestures on what he meant as they began swimming somewhere for patrol.

"Oh, I didn't tell you? Well, Sorbet Shark Cookie wanted to be a cookie and I still don't get why and-

"Captain Caviar Cookie!"

"That voice?" Captain Caviar Cookie recognizes that soft voice and it appears to be. "Sorbet Shark Cookie?" He clenched his sharp teeth and fist as if he hasn't forgotten about Sorbet Shark Cookie leaving without discussion.

"Captain Caviar Cookie! HELP ME!"

He stopped being angry as he realized Sorbet Shark Cookie is in danger. He quickly swam as he followed the voice leaving Candy Diver Cookie behind. As he kept swimming, the voice become louder and the voice is located in the cave. He make sure to prepare his dagger in case of danger as swam to the cave.

He kept himself quiet as he went deep into the cave and he curse himself for not bringing a lantern as it gets darker. He called out where Sorbet Shark Cookie is, no response and he calls them again not realizing a huge hand came and grabbed Captain Caviar Cookie immediately.

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