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Ally's POV

After the dance, Baby John took Tessa to the diner for milkshakes, leaving Ice and I alone. We decided to head back to his apartment for the night after we stopped at my place for a few things. While we walk, I tell him about my plans with the girls.

"Babe," I ask him.

"Hm? Oh, sorry," he says, playing with his fingers.

I stop walking and grab his hands.

"What's wrong?"

"It's nothing."

"Ice, when we started dating, we promised we would be completely honest with each other."

He takes a shaky breath.

"Riff's mad at me," he says.

"About what?"

"When we were at Anita's apartment, I told Bernado about Riff wanting to rumble."

"So, why is he mad?"

"He's mad because Bernardo told him 'no,' Al," he says, breath trembling.

I've never seen this side of Ice before. He's normally wearing a serious expression. I put my arms around him and pull him into a hug. We stay like that for a few minutes.

"Feel better," I ask, pulling away.

"Yeah, a little," he says.

When we get to his apartment, I head to the bathroom and wash my face. I brush my hair and change into my night gown. I walk out to the bedroom and see Ice sitting next to the bed with puffy eyes. I help him get changed and comb the gel out of his hair. We climb into bed and I play with his hair to help him calm down. The next morning, I wake up to an empty spot next to me. I head to the kitchen to see Ice making breakfast. He turns around to grab a cigarette, but stops when he sees me.

"Sorry, I know you don't like these," he says.

"No, if it'll help you stay calm by all means, go ahead," I tell him, leaning against the counter.

He lights his cigarette and I take his place at the stove. He leaves the room and comes back with a small box in his hands.

"Ice, what is this," I ask him.

"I know it's not your birthday, a holiday or our three months, but I wanted to get you something," he tells me.

He opens the box to reveal a simple ring:

He opens the box to reveal a simple ring:

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"Ice, I- I'm speechless," I say.

"It's nothing fancy. I just wanted to get you something."

"It's beautiful, babe."

"Think of it as a promise ring, like a 'I promise to always be with you' kinda thing."

"I love it," I tell him.

He gives me a kiss and takes his plate.

"So what are you doing again today," he asks.

"The girls and I are meeting Anita and Maria at the diner for lunch."

"That's right."

"What are you gonna do while I'm gone?"

"I don't know. Might hang with your brother and Little Moly," he says with a shrug.

"Why not come with me to Doc's and hang with Tony, maybe help out a little," I say.

"Sure. I mean, if Valentina's gonna fine with it."

"She'll be fine with it. I'm gonna get changed," I say, leaving the room.

I walk into the bedroom and pull out a brown floral romper.

I walk into the bedroom and pull out a brown floral romper

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Ice comes in and pulls out a shirt. I put my hair up in a ponytail. I throw on some matching shoes and grab my bag. I wait for Ice by the door, he grabs his keys and we head for Doc's.

"Ice, I wasn't expecting to see you here," Tony says when he lets us in.

"I figured I'd come and visit you since we haven't seen each other since before you went upstate," Ice tells him.

"Hola, chica," Valentina calls from the counter.

"Hola, Val! I brought a guest," I say, walking over to her.

"And who would that be?"

"Ice. Riff's mad at him," I tell her, lowering my voice.

"Riff gets mad at everyone," she says.

I nod in agreement and get to work. A few hours go by, and before I know it, it's quarter to noon. I grab my bag and give Ice a kiss on my way out. By the time I reach the diner, the girls are already there.

"Sorry I'm late," I say, sitting down.

"You're fine, chica," Anita tells me.

"Sí, we haven't been waiting that long," Maria assures me.

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