Chapter 6

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       Doi's house is quiet when the two of them stumble through the front door. Kirishima tosses their bags down and half drags Doi to a chair at her family's marble counter.

       The air around them both reeks of vomit, and the front of both their shirts are covered in thin slime. Doi sways in the chair, eyes closed. Kirishima presses her head down on the countertop to prevent her from toppling off the black metal stool.

       Satisfied that she won't fall, the boy hurries around the counter into the kitchen. He grabs a glass from a cabinet over the sink and fills it with water, plopping it down in front of his friend. Doi raises her head and takes a moment to focus on the glass in front of her.

       "Thanks man", she slurs loudly, nearly knocking the glass over when she reaches to pick it up.

       Keeping an eye on her, Kirishima dials the emergency line.

       "Good morning, you have reached the emergency hotline." The operator's robotic voice echos out his phone's speaker.

       "If you need an ambulance, press one. If you need a quick diagnosis, press two. If you'd like to speak with a member of our staff, press three."

       Pressing two, Kirishima listens to the lists of symptoms while struggling to move Doi to the couch.

        "Uh, unsteady on her feet, headache, vomiting, loss of consciousness, and confusion." He winces when Doi flops over, slamming herself into the cushions. Shaking his head, he watches as she slides giggling onto the floor.

        "Please hold while one of our nurses makes a diagnosis."

       Kirishima sets his phone on the counter, leaving it on speaker. He busies himself making sure Doi doesn't hurt herself, listening for the music to signal he's off hold.

       He's lifting her back up onto the couch when he hears a sound to make his blood run cold.

       The front door opens.

       Footsteps down the short hall, through the kitchen.

       Kirishima turns just as the tall red head enters the living room.

        "What the hell is going on here Eijiro!"

       Kirishima drops Doi halfway on the couch.

       "Uh, hello Mrs. Mamoru." 

       The repetitive hold music stops.

        "Diagnosis is minor concussion. Immediate medical examination and treatment recommended. Would you like to call an ambulance?"


       Doi can hear words being spoken, but she's having some trouble understanding them. Something about a car? Or maybe a cat? A cat would be nice, but Doi would rather have a dog. Dogs are awesome, they like meat.

       Doi likes meat buns. Maybe the dog wants some. Where is her dog? Does she even have a dog? She doesn't think so. Maybe she has a cat.

       Oh, her mom is waving at her now. Too close to her face though, Doi doesn't like it. She slaps at the hand. She doesn't hit anything, that makes her giggle. Ghost hand.

       Oh, Kirishima is back! She couldn't see him for a while. Where'd he go for so long? They're moving her again, she doesn't really like it, but Kirishima is gentle so it's ok. Her mom seems angry. Maybe she needs her nose booped. Dogs like nose boops. Boop. 


       "Watch her head.", Mrs. Mamoru cautions.

       "Got it." Kirishima replies, carefully settling Doi onto the back seat.

       "I still don't understand how in the world she managed to get a concussion on the way to school." Mrs. Mamoru huffs, concerned and exasperated, "And why did you bring her here? Why didn't you just call an ambulance?"

       Kirishima chews his lip, fighting tears yet again as he clambers into the passenger seat.

       "I don't know", he mumbles, "It seemed safer than staying on the street. I'm sorry..."

       Mrs. Mamoru glances over at him as she settles into the driver's seat and starts the car. 

       She sees how the boy's shoulders slump and how he struggles to hold back tears. She notices his fingers digging into his forearm and the bruises on his elbows and knees. She sees a child.

       The woman sighs as she pulls onto the street, leaning over a bit to rest a hand on Kirishima's shoulder.

       "Hey", she says softly, "You did what you could in a tough situation. You got her somewhere you thought was safe."

       He looks over at her through damp eyelashes, his pitiful expression twisting her heart. She gives his shoulder a soft squeeze.

       "You did pretty good for a kid."

       He rewards her words with a wobbly smile. 

       "Thanks Mrs. Mamoru..."

       "Yeah, thanks mom!", Doi quips from the back seat.

       Kirishima and Doi's mother both start at Doi's voice. Kirishima turns to the back, concerned. Mrs. Mamoru giggles at his behavior.

"I think she'll be ok Hon.", she says with a grin and Kirishima settles back into his seat with a sigh.

"Besides," she continues, "she'd probably be hurt worse and much more often if you weren't around to keep her out of mischief." 

       Kirishima smiles, a single tooth poking out into his lip.

       "Yeah, probably.", he agrees, looking back at his friend who is currently staring out the window in wonder.


A/N: Hey guys, I'm back again. I've been writing pretty steadily lately. It's been spread out over six different fics though, so posting is still slow. I'm working up to posting a new fic. Shouldn't be too much longer now.

Thanks for sticking around, hope you're enjoying watching Doi's chaos begin! See you next chapter I hope.

Shark Bite [BNHA x Female OC] by FluffBunWifuuWhere stories live. Discover now