Chapter 1

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There was a crack and a pained shout as the boy's head smacked against the concrete wall behind Mustafa private middle school.

He falls limp to the ground as his three friends charge at his assailant, their furious cries echoing around them.

Doi Mamoru kicks the taller one in the gut, twisting to throw a punch in the other's face as he doubles over coughing. She grins manically as her swing lands, the blue skinned boy flying backwards into the wall.

Planting her feet, Doi clenches her fists and glares at the fallen students.

"Come on! Can't you do better than that?!", she challenges, her serrated teeth grinding at the end of each sentence. "You're the ones who wanted to fight! You should have at least landed a hit!"

She frowns when they don't move, planting a hand on her hip. "Come on, get up." She waits for a response. None comes.

"Hmph." Doi pouts, grabbing her bag and walking away. "I got all pumped up for nothing. Stupid highschoolers, trying to jump me when they can't even fight back."


Doi walks inside and closes the door behind her. Dropping her bag by the door, she listens quietly. She can hear a man singing along to the radio in the kitchen. Creeping along to the edge of the wall, Doi peeks around the corner.

A huge man stands at the counter, chopping something with a huge knife. She trembles at the sight of red on the blade.

Sneaking forward quietly, Doi watches the back of the man's bald, gray head. She swallows as the blade falls, chopping through something wet and fleshy sounding. She can taste the coppery tang of blood in the air as she nears him. He raises the knife again, and she lunges forward, wrapping her muscular arms around his huge waist.

The giant lurches forward into the counter with a grunt. He turns to her, cleaver raised overhead. His tar-black eyes meet hers as she scowls up at him.

"Doi!" The man beams at her, rows of serrated teeth filling her vision. "Welcome home sweetheart!"

Doi smiles up at her father, hugging him tighter.

"Are we having meat tonight?", she inquires hopefully, begging silently for the answer to be yes.

Mr. Mamoru chuckles at his daughter's expression, the gills on his neck flaring open and closed.

"Yep!" He replies, stepping aside to reveal what he'd been chopping. "Beef, onions, rice... Can you guess what it is?", he asks with a toothy grin, "A hint, you love to add kimchi and egg to yours."

"Gyudon!" Doi claps her hands with a wide smile.

"Correct!" Her father ruffles her hair, rough skin rasping against the buzzed undercut and pulling gray hair out of its already messy bun.

"Go shower and change, then work on your homework." Mr. Mamoru turns back to the food. "I'll call you when it's done."

Doi runs off to her room to grab her towel and pajamas. It's not a big room, but it's unmistakably hers. Navy blue walls scratched and dented from misaimed punches, black curtains and messy covers, clothes and weights littering the floor.

Finding what she needs, Doi rushes out of her room past a large poster of UA, and into the bathroom.


AN: So, a whole new story! Doi is so different from Kei, it's a little disorientating to write them both at the same time.

Sorry it's so short, updates to this will probably all be about this size.

Unlike with Indefinite, Shark Bite doesn't have any real plot plans. Kinda just writing along for fun I suppose. It's a nice change of pace.

I think I said it for Indefinite, but ideas for twists, relationships, enemies, and just general ideas are more than welcome! I'd also like ideas for the mom. Could be an MHA character or just someone you make up. The dad is the main gene for the shark quirk and appearance though, so maybe have the mom with a different quirk.

I'll update when I can! Remember, I'm kinda slow, sorry.

Shark Bite [BNHA x Female OC] by FluffBunWifuuWhere stories live. Discover now