Chapter 3

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       Doi spotted him first.

       Sneaking up behind the raven-haired boy with a sly grin, she pounced.

       The boy stumbles forward as Doi plows into him from behind, wrapping her arms around his shoulders. The boy's startled crimson eyes warm at the sight of her smiling face.

       "Good morning Doi", he mumbles with a soft smile.

       "Morning to you too Kiri!" Doi replies much louder, "How was your night?"

       "It was fine.", Kirishima replies, his hunched figure falling into step beside Doi's, "Just homework."

       "You wanna come over after school today?", Doi asks cheerfully, "My brother got a new game we can try."

       Kirishima shrugs, ducking his head somehow further down.

       "I don't know, maybe.", He replies, "I'll ask my mom after class."

       "Alright." Doi gives his shoulders a squeeze and reaches to open the front door of their school. Waving Kirishima through first, Doi scans the sidewalk behind them. Her eyes narrow and she scowls, annoyed, before turning and following the boy towards class.


       Doi rests her chin on her fist, watching her teacher give his science lecture through bleary eyes. His class is the fun equivalent of watching paint dry and Doi struggles not to fall asleep. It's a hard battle, a river of drool fighting its way down her forearm by the time the bell rings.

       Doi snaps awake, grasping for her bag and tumbling out of her seat. There are muttered curses and glares as she barges past the rest of her class and into the crowded hallway. The other students jump out of her way as she runs down the hall, knocking into their peers. They grumble and scowl at her back but don't call her out. They'd just get their asses kicked in a very literal fashion. Most of them had witnessed it happen on multiple occasions. When some idiot or oblivious transfer student decided she needed a lesson on manners. They usually didn't try again.

       Doi runs halfway across the school in less than three minutes, propelling herself on muscular legs and shoving off walls at corners with strong arms. She bursts through the doors to the gym throwing the doors wide with a manic grin.

       "Oh no", Coach groans along with the rest of the class.

       "It's dodgeball day".

       Thirty minutes and four losses later, the team opposing Doi looked ready to either murder her or pass out. Even her own team was shooting her dirty looks as she caught and threw balls. Taking out the other team, but also not bothering to help or stay out of the way of her own.

       Coach winces as Doi's ball lands in another student's gut with a solid thump. He watches as said student stumbles off the court to slump on the ground next to six of his teammates. He shakes his head as he reaches for the red whistle around his neck.

       Doi's shoulders slump when she hears the piercing screech of Coach's whistle. She really hates that thing. It means the end of her fun.

       She slouches into the changing room as the rest of her class lets out a big cheer. They give her a wide berth as she changes back into her uniform with a pout. Many of the girls snicker as she pulls on her pants. Doi rolls her eyes at them, tossing her backpack over her shoulder. She eyes the tiny skirts they all wear.

       Weirdos. Anyone can just look right up those things.

       Doi blushes as one of the girls leans a bit too far down. Whipping her gaze away, Doi hurries out of the changing room.

      Holy shit. Why can't they wear longer skirts?!


       "-and then I can see green up her skirt. I can see her underwear Eijiro!', Doi whispers harshly, "Their skirts are way too short!"

       Kirishima's face is as red as Doi's from embarrassment as he pats her shoulder, attempting to comfort her.

       "That's not your fault though.." , he consoles her quietly, "It was an accident.."

       Doi throws her arms out on the table, banging her head down on the painted wood.

       "I know it was an accident", she mutters drearily, "but I still saw and I still had that reaction.."

       Kirishima worked his lip through his teeth as he watched his friend's distress. He sighs and rests his head next to hers on his arms.

       "Yeah, I know." He admits, "People can be so judge-y, I don't think I'll ever get a boyfriend".

       Doi snorts and turns her head to look at him with an incredulous smile.

       "Are you kidding?" she demands quietly, "You've got to be the sweetest, cutest, most appealing guy I know. Hell, if we weren't gayer than gay, I would date you".

       He flushes a brighter red, his ears burning. He smiles warmly at her though.

       "Feeling better?"

       Doi chuckles and sits up, reaching out and ruffling his silken hair.

       "Yeah. Thanks Ei, but you gotta stop playing princess to make me feel better." She replies sternly, "You're more than that."

       Kirishima shrugs and sits up.

       "Gets the job done." He stretches backwards. 

       "Plus", he continues, "I like being the princess sometimes"


A/N: So, whatcha think? My intent with this chapter was just to give a better insight on Doi's interactions with her fellow students and what they think of her. Plus, to also introduce Kirishima as her friend. I hope I did ok.

I'm a little on edge right now mentally. Sorting out plots and dealing with character trauma is getting exhausting. Hard to believe I've only released a few chapters. Or that I've only got two stories published (TT~~TT* ).

By the way I know it's not much, but I hit 120 reads on Indefinite! Yay! I also got a couple subscribers and saves. Thank you for reading and I'm glad you like it enough to stick around ^.^ A big thanks to Silverowlbells as well. They helped me sort out my mistakes and improve my writing. Their advice was really helpful! They're also a fic writer, a really good one. I recommend checking out their work sometime. Just Us is still in progress, but is an adorable story, one of my favorites. Mayday is really good too.

Hope you enjoy and stick around!

Shark Bite [BNHA x Female OC] by FluffBunWifuuWhere stories live. Discover now