Chapter 3: Looking Forward

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Maneuvering down the muddy roads, a small caravan trudges along at a slow yet steady pace. In the center, a cart loaded with various goods is being pulled by a pair of horses as two moderately dressed men sit at the front of it. Surrounding the cart are eight or so men walking on foot with one leading them on horseback.

It's been a few days since they set off from Remire Village, but the atmosphere is still oppressive and quiet, largely due to the mounted figure leading the group.

As the sun begins to hang low in the sky, he suddenly motions for the caravan to stop, "This is a good area to make camp for the night, start setting up."

Without missing a beat all the mercenaries hurry to fulfill his command, not wanting to become the next target of his ire while simultaneously also recognizing the ability he has to lead and organize them. Even the merchants that hired the men can only quietly go along with his orders.

Watching everyone scurry about, the individual nods his head while gently getting down from his steed and looking at the babe in his arms. Despite having only been born for several weeks he already looks a bit bigger and healthier, although he still has never made any sort of sound worth mentioning.

Getting himself and his mount settled in for the night, the father and son duo begin to eat their respective dinners separate from the rest of the group. However, one individual breaks apart from the rest and approaches the pair, much to the worry of everyone else present.

"Hello, uhm... Jeralt sir, is it all right if I sit here?"

Looking up from his meal, the former captain peers at the man in front of him before nodding and returning to his food. "Thank you, sir."

Sitting down, silence returns once again as the two simply continue to eat their dinner.

"Well, I just wanted to say that, uhm, I really admire the strength that you've displayed these last couple of days. Also... I wanted to apologize regarding the matter with that person in Remire, he was a loudmouth, and no one here really liked him very much..."

The awkward silence returns as Jeralt continues eating his rations, seemingly ignoring the man across from him.

Deciding his presence is unwelcome the mercenary scratches the back of his head, "Well, that's all that I wanted to say so I'll leave you and your son to yourselves now. Thank you for listening."

After saying his piece, he rises and rejoins all the others who are surprised and happy that no incident occurred. Jeralt watches as the mercenary walks away and seems to think about something for a moment before going back to his food.

Over the coming days, the same individual repeatedly goes up to him and attempts to make conversation, slowly getting him to open up a bit. Now that same mercenary named Zane is walking along with Jeralt at the forefront of the caravan, occasionally exchanging words with him.

These two lead the way into the town of Stillhaven, a considerably larger and more affluent place than Remire. This was the destination of the traveling merchants and thus, Jeralt's first job as a mercenary was completed.

Quickly getting settled, the two travelers pay all the men they hired, even giving the new father twice as much as the others.

"This is more than we agreed on."

"No, no, it's a gift, we want you to have it. We insist you take it, and also... we wanted to make sure that there was no issue between us..." one of them says while letting out a nervous laugh.

The former captain stares at the pair in front of him for a second as he sighs softly, "No, we're fine, there is no issue. Thank you for the gift."

Saying so he walks away from them while the two merchants behind him let out their breath, glad to be away from the frightening man they had the misfortune of running into in that small village.

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