Prologue: Twilight of the Gods

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Calamity. Ruin. Despair. This is what awaits at the end, what the few remaining people in this once peaceful and glorious land are experiencing.

Constant crying, as well as screams of despair and agony, echo all across the ruined kingdom before being quickly and mercilessly snuffed out, never to be heard in this world again.

Monuments to the heroes and saviors of old are torn from their pedestals as the people's pleas for their help go unanswered.

Ultimately, the denizens of this land can only watch in horror as the skies part to bring down their wrath, while a beastly and savage army rides in to fell those that yet remain. The chaos consumes all in its relentless pursuit as formerly pristine streets flow with rivers of blood and mountains of bodies burn amidst the rubble.

While this tragedy is unfolding, the ground is constantly quaking as a battle that can tear open the skies and rend the very earth is taking place.

In the ruins of a once magnificent and vast city, two armies are waging open war. One very large enemy host made up of beasts, machines, and powerful warriors numbering in the hundreds of thousands, while the remains of the ruined kingdom's defenders have a much smaller group of people that is dwarfed by their foes one hundred to one.

Despite the overwhelming numbers, it's clear that the warriors that make up the kingdom's forces are entirely elites as they valiantly fight back against the crippling odds.

Sword in one hand and powerful magic blazing in the other, a certain figure dances through the rival army reaping their lives as if he is death himself in physical form. Not even the massive war machines, built to withstand and combat the hero relics of old, are able to pin him down for very long on their own.

Several other prominent figures fight alongside him, blasting off magic and cutting down their foes in a desperate bid to fight off the invaders.

Wielding strange weapons suffused with a powerful red glow, the valiant men and women push forward against their foes even despite the odds.

The figure leading them is none other than the ruler of this kingdom as well as the subject of the people's religion.

The enemy, sensing that he's even more troublesome than they had anticipated, begin to direct some of their strongest constructs towards him.

Seeing the hulking automatons heading right for him, the leader pushes off on his own, knowing that his allies would be hard-pressed to fight them as he can. Welcoming them with a fierce attack, the earth trembles under the clash of the two opposing forces.

Enhancing his body with magic, the king holds back the towering foes from the rest of his army the best he can but no matter how many he cuts down, two more always seem to arrive and take their place. Slowly being surrounded by the many elite machines, the man begins to push himself even harder, but is already greatly fatigued from the hours of high-level combat as well as the surprise attack the enemies initiated.

The titan-like machines that begin to gather around him are slow but have an insanely sturdy defense and a powerful offense that makes them difficult for him to deal with while still preserving his energy to hold out for the rest of the war.

Deciding to use some of his sword arts and higher-level magic in order to escape the entrapment he begins to slice and blast apart the armor on the titans.

Dodging a heavy blow that leaves a crater in the earth by jumping high into the air, he counters with his own strike to one of the machine's heads. Infusing his sword with magic it begins to glow red as it elongates, splitting into a chain-like structure that slices open the exposed and damaged head he had been targeting.

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