Wonder took on the flame-toting villain with gusto, charging him while the other darkly dressed figures charged towards me, the roar of their screams filling the air. I watched in horror as a mass of people descended upon me, my body tingling with the need to run for my life. Without another thought I was propelled into the air, my body becoming light as a feather from the change in the air surrounding me. I quickly reached out metaphysically—and in utter fear—with my powers, the storm above us starting to stir above us.
It was now time to nut up or shut up.
At least until the team arrived.
I extended my hands, gusts of wind expelling from my palms towards my attackers, their bodies flying back from the force of the currents. I let out a sigh of relief as there was distance put between me and them, it made things a lot easier due to the panic bubbling up inside of me. I looked past them to see that Wonder was still fighting the flame guy, his body being pushed back by the heat of the flames rushing towards him. It was a surprise the flame guy had lasted so long against Wonder, yet I felt there was more to the mask man with the high level flame manipulation powers.
Movement out of the corner of my eye caught my attention, I looked to the side to see one of the grunts had vaulted off of a car towards me, his hands brandishing a pipe. I quickly moved out of the way shooting a gust of wind towards him, blasting him into the flaming window of a building. The other grunts got closer to me as I noticed the flames were spreading to other buildings, despite the presence of the rain I had conjured earlier.
That was another thing I had noticed. The flames weren't dying out.
In fact, they were burning even hotter than when they had started, the rain seeming to evaporate before coming in contact with the flames. The sound of the hissing from the rain evaporating could be heard despite the ruckus underneath me. I looked down to see another grunt jumping at me, this time not using a car, but jumping up from the ground below. Something warned me that he wasn't what he seemed, the other had used a car to launch himself towards me. Before I could get out of his reach, I felt his large hand wrap around my leg pulling me down towards the other grunts below.
"C'mere breezy boy, let's see if we can't help you wind down a little bit," The man yelled, the others parting like a sea of black on our descent.
Once he landed onto the cement, he latched onto my leg with his other hand. He pulled me forward, spinning me around him with the force of his strength, the carnage swirling around me. With a loud grunt he let me go, my body flying away from him with the momentum of his rotation, the world blurring at that moment. My body slammed into a vehicle that had stopped my trajectory, the impact flashing white into my vision as I stayed embedded in the car.
I could hear the mysteriously strong grunt laughing in the distance from me, the sound of his laughter causing my body to tingle once more. I looked towards the man, the other grunts following behind—staying out of his way, but within my peripherals—the others watching me through cold white masks. Above me, I could feel the storm reacting to my pain, lightning flashing across the sky in spider-like webbing. My body hummed as he walked closer, the electricity from the air resonating within me as my body unconsciously reached out even more to the storm metaphysically.
"What's wrong, easy breeze?" The strange grunt chuckled, "Can't fly away if I clip your wings can you?"
I glared at him from underneath my wet hair, the sharp pain in my ribs causing me to wince as I tried to breathe enough to answer him. But it was futile. I continued to focus on the storm, energy from the air helping give me enough power to move onto my feet, my hand on my injured side.

FantasyReign knows two things are certain: He cannot control his powers and he cannot control that his teammates don't trust him. A brutal mass homicide has rocked the city and the heroes who protect it, leaving them stumped on who could commit such a crim...