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Hey everyone!

This story was written when I participated in the 2022 Gen 3 contest with my friends from the Literary Lounge. It is only 5 parts and technically will be a teaser for when I actually do a story about the main character and their potential love interest in the short story. It is really short but I feel like its a great introduction to Reign, a character that I've come to know and love. Also the quote below reminds me of this story. 

This story is mine, Sival_Torture, and mine alone. It will be posted here and no where else! if you find it anywhere else please let me know! 

This novelette is an entry for the Literary Lounge Gen 3 2022 Contest. The contest was over the span of three months, with the goal to write 7.5-20K words using the three keywords: Edge, Envy, and Escapade. Reign is complete with 5 total parts ending with 10.8K words.

"Light thinks it travels faster than anything, but it is wrong. No matter how fast light travels, it finds the darkness has always got there first, and is waiting for it."

Terry Pratchett

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