The Book of Warlock 22. Reclamation

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  The lobby glittered with the refracted light from a dozen glass display cases; the contents inside glowing faintly, small metal placards announcing the rarity and purity of the treasures nestled within, resting on plump velvet cushions. It was like a visit to the Crown Jewels, except these were sorcerous artefacts and not pompous drapery. There were cameras swivelling at every corner of the room as the guests milled about, cooing and murmuring their delight at laying eyes upon these wondrous amulets and trinkets. It was only a taste of what was to come. In just a few minutes more, they would be led down the subterranean channel into the very heart of wonderland; the high-security fortress.

The heavy golden door swung inwards, and their guide swept in grandly.

His robes were crimson, bright sumptuous silk shone with a dazzle of silver thread that wound through the fabric in an intricate pattern, edges thick with purest white fur. If it wasn't for the lack of pointed ears, the man could very well be an elf. He smiled widely at his guests, spreading his hands wide in welcome.

"My dear friends, it is my honour and privilege to present to you today a most spectacular collection of magical items, the likes of which are beyond your imagining. Cast aside all your present notions of what magick looks like, for you will see that the tame power we dispense here at the Council of Sorcerer's has a wilder, more dangerous counterpart that only a select few will ever see. You are here because you are part of an elite group of fellows to the college, our most generous donors and contributors. I have no doubts you have concerns, but there is good reason why you have signed lengthy non-disclosure agreements before today's grand tour. The things you are about to see, for want of a better phrase, do not exist," he winked.

Another murmur spread through the group. This was exciting stuff! The authority on magic regulation did not offer tours of their containment facility often, and the monetary donations required for a chance were eye-watering.

The senior mage nodded to a security guard who stepped aside from a solid metal door, complete with wheel lock and bolts, as his boss wrestled it open.

The cold air from within the underground tunnel caused the group of sightseers to shudder and rub their arms. It was quite a contrast to the bright spring day outside.

"Is it true there are real dragon bones in here?"

"I heard there are mermaid scales."

"Unicorn horns, too..."

The chitter chatter continued past pale blue orbs that lit the way, until they emerged into a cavern large enough to house a small village. Sturdy columns of ivory stretched from floor to ceiling, etched with runes and sigils, strengthened by magic to withhold the weight of the world up above.

In the centre of this wide-open space was a solid block of dull dark stone. The only feature giving it away as a building was a door, tiny in comparison to the scale of the rest of it. It could have been a prison if it only had some razor wire about the perimeter. It was huge and foreboding.

The group looked at the edge of the path where it stopped at a cliff face, and down to the yawning depths below. They looked over at the holding facility beyond.

The senior mage smiled. This was the best bit! He reached inside his robes and pulled out a white twisted staff; a narwhal horn of incredible length. At the base sat a glimmering, iridescent, smooth nugget of moonstone and with a flourish of the eye-catching item, along with an awed gasp from his captive audience, the bedrock below them lifted up in chunks to form a solid walkway to their destination. It floated, surrounded by a faint blue haze. Magic on this magnitude was rarely seen in the world.

The security staff inside were transported into the facility by portal, they didn't take this path, this was merely for show, but they didn't have to know that.

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