Ch 13. Youre a what?

14 2 0


That hurt.

I look around and find myself back at the USJ front entrance.

On the floor.

Someone dropped me.

I look around to find all my classmates very preoccupied with what seemed to be a death match between allmight, and the weird handsy villian.

I get up just to notice that not only was my arm broken. My left leg had a serious stab wound just at the top of my thigh.

Are you fucking with me.

"OW" I said consciously by accident

"Y/n?? Are you okay? Im so sorry. This is all my fault." Ojiro said, kneeling down beside me. His tail also had a serious stab wound.

The difference was his had been treated, and had a bandage around it.

Mine still had the large peice of glass, piercing my leg.

"Huh what no it's not your fault. Its my own fault for not being careful enough" I grimace

"Y/N OH MY GOD" Uraraka practically screamed as she ran towards me, in tears.

She bent down infront of me, while I was sitting and gave me the biggest hug I've ever received.

Let's not say I'm touch starved. My own mom won't even hug me, okay? This feels good

I subconsciously wrap my not broken arm around her, and I feel her hug me tighter, sadly all her snot and tears were getting on my hero Suit. But honestly, I didn't mind.

And when she tried to stop hugging me, I accidently pulled her back on top of me for another one.

She didn't seem to mind either.

_________ _________ ________ ________

Finally a bunch of hero's had arrived. Thanks to robot man.

he actually can do useful things. Who would have known.

One of the hero's had brought some first aid, and I was finally able to treat my wound.

Ojiro also needed his treated, as the bandage turned out to be peices of his hero Suit which he ripped off.

Momo seemed severly disheartened. She had exhausted the use of her quirk in whatever battle she had to face with the villians. And admitted she felt useless unable to help me or ojiro.

As allmight was still fighting the villians, I saw a scared midoriya leave the group and run towards the allmight scrap.

Just then I noticed bakugo, and Endeavor Jr down at the fight already.

What a bunch of fucking idiots. Just let allmight die you bastards

I subconsciously sigh.

Midnight was the one tending to the wound on my leg.

"Ash this is going to hurt Kibushski, Be brave will you? Hey one of you unhurt students come over here and hold her down." Midnight says

Hold me down? What am I? A dog??

Just then kaminari comes over, takes one look at the wound on my leg.

And grabs both of my arms to stop me from hitting Midnight while she treated my wound.



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