Chapter 3

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I could hear monitors beeping around me and I felt cold and alone. There were no voices, warmth, or love. I was alone. I tried to move my body but soon realized only my mind was active. Was I in a coma? Was my baby okay? The monitors began beeping faster the more I worried. I must be in a hospital. I tried to open my eyes but saw nothing but darkness. I was Mrs.Vigliano afterall, the wife of the most powerful man in the United States. He was known for his gentleness until I pushed him to the edge. He betrayed me, and I hit him back even harder. I became his enemy, he has to fight me. That's the way in this world, he couldn't escape even if he wanted to. I could hear the tip tap of footsteps approaching my room.

The door opened and the sound of footsteps came to a halt. A lady yelled, "Cold blue she is coding." Was I dying? Someone grabbed my hand and squeezed it. It felt too familiar, it couldn't be. Gale. He moved his hand slowly under my fingertips tracing the scar on his hand he got when he was a boy. I wanted to wake up so bad I must be in heaven he was here.

His hand moved to my forehead and a hot breath warmed my ear. "Remember Jaz I am never too far away, you are not going to die on me now. Not when we are so close. Your baby is alive, fight Jaz, fight." Gale whispered in my ear. I wanted to reach out and touch him, hug him and tell him I am here. My body is betraying me, not allowing a response. I was screaming inside. Gale's hand cupped the side of my face one last time before saying, "Remember Jaz, let yourself remember." I let my nerves calm and the beeping slowed on the monitors.

"She is stabilizing, no need for a shock. We will keep a close eye on her though Mr.Vigliano." I wanted to laugh, this wasn't Hayden. Gale's warmth left me and I knew he was gone. Where was Hayden? The nurse walked up to me and sighed as she changed my drip. I could feel tension within the air and wondered how long Gale had been gone.

"How is my wife Miss?" Hayden's voice broke the silence in the room. I didn't want this man near me. How could you shoot the person you claim to love so much? His words echoing in my brain "they will think I've gone soft." I didn't care.

The nurse sounded confused but answered, "She is stable Sir. She is lucky to still have the baby, with all the blood she lost." Why did you tell him that lady?

"So it is true then she is with child? I would like to speak with the doctor to find out how far along she is. Do you know when she will wake up?" Hayden's husky voice now trembling with concern and fear. Sure act like you care, you do it so well. Fake your concern, you are nothing to me, nothing. I thought to myself.

My mind began to drift back to what Gale had said, Remember, let yourself remember. What was I supposed to remember? My brain is in complete shambles. I tuned out the voices of Hayden and the nurse and just tried focusing on what Gale said. Once I get out of this hospital bed I have to get back to destroying my husband's business. I could feel Hayden's lips on mine and I hated that it still made my body warm. I wish I would have fallen in love with someone else, anyone else. We were in a never ending circle of self destruction, and pain. I could feel myself drifting back to sleep entering what seemed like a dream, a happy dream before it all went wrong. Before I knew it I was back in time where it all started with Gale, and Hayden. Leading me to this hospital bed.

My body shivered as I walked home from Gale's shop. I just wanted my bed, it was warm there and safe. I pulled Hayden's jacket closer to my body for warmth, the breeze was oddly cold tonight. Hayden. I still had his jacket, I pulled it even closer. It smelled like him. I wondered if I would ever see him again. I wanted to but I wouldn't blame him if he didn't want to see me again. What a way to start off. Who knows. He is planning on moving down here, I'll see him around. The wind pushed against my body, it was just getting colder. The sky above me began to crackle with thunder and lighting danced to the beat of each boom. I quickened my pace to get home. My parents are probably getting worried now. I never not inform them of what I am up to. I guess today it just slipped my mind. It was a crazy day after all. A few raindrops hit my forehead and I knew I had about ten minutes before it would begin to downpour. I was not looking forward to having to explain the day to my parents. I was just thankful I had both of them still. It was so close last year with my mom it reminds me to be more humble. I turned the last corner and ran to our little house. It looked like a log cabin on the outside but was super modern inside mixed with a country rustic look. I loved our little home. I put the key in the lock of our maple door and took a breath awaiting my parents' wrath.

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