First Contact

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The Pelican shook a bit as it flew into the planet's Atmosphere, the lights flickered red as it shook more. Major James stood in the center looking at all the other Marines sitting down as they were being briefed. I tightened my grip on my seat, knowing that we were about to land onto the battlefield. I looked around seeing the other Marines doing the same, Major James began to brief us all, how he wasn't able to be knocked down as the Pelican shook violently was surprising to me.

"Alright listen up folk's, I'll only be saying this once in exactly 5 minutes we'll be landing directly onto enemy territory without them even knowing. Word from command is that the insurrectionists have decided to attack Harvest, yet somehow have gained an advantage in technology. Command wants to find out why and how they've done this, and well boys, looks like we'll be their boy scouts. Remember, we'll have to go in with caution and not spoil our surprise otherwise we'll be doomed." Major James said, looking around.

The Marines began to mumble to one another, it was quite odd of us to get in "stealthy" as that wasn't our style, this must be something serious. "So, we're supposed to be strolling around in there like cats or something?" I chuckled, looking at my friend next to me, Private Mark. Mark and I go way back all the way to bootcamp, it's where I learned to trust him the most. I had his back, and he had mine simple as that. Kind of ironic really, during boot camp it turns out both of us had the same motive to join the ODST (Orbital Drop Shock Trooper's).

"Hah, yeah." Mark said. The Major looked at us both with an intense stare, not liking us talking while we were all being briefed. "By all means, Grayson, go ahead but I'll doubt you'll be able to live your ninth life." The Major said, as the Marines chuckled a bit at his slight joke. The Major looked around once more in the Pelican with a stern look telling everyone to shut up.

"As I was saying the Innie's don't have a clue that we know they're on Harvest and we hope to keep it that way for now. As for why they're attacking Harvest is for me and the higher ups to think about. Your job is to send those bastards straight to hell, where they came from. After we've secured their base, we'll send an all-clear signal to command so they can come and clean up the rest. Is all of this understood?"

"OORAH!" The Marines screamed. The Major nodded and opened the door for the Pelican, the door dropped down slowly, the wind roaring inside. I looked at Mark as I reloaded my MA5B Assault Rifle. "You ready, Mark?"

Mark reloaded his DMR, sliding out the old magazine and clipped in the new one and nodded at me. "Ready as ever." The Major signaled the pilot to land the Pelican began near the forest of trees that was close to the enemy's base as leaves and branches begin to fly everywhere.

The lights flickered from red to green in seconds as the Major yelled "GO GO GO!" The Marines sprinted out quickly forming a defensive perimeter around the Pelican. I sprinted out of the pelican as well, aiming my MA5B around searching for any Insurrectionists. Mark did the same standing right next to me as we all, creating a defensive perimeter around the Pelican.

"Clear!" I yelled. "No sign of any Innie's so far looks abandoned from what I can tell Sir..." I look up at the abandoned base towering above and grip tighter on my rifle.

"Ha, maybe they all ran away as soon as they saw us landing." Mark said, laughing a bit.

"Quiet!" Major James said. "Grayson, Mark, take Alpha Team with you and scout the base, if you see any movement notify me ASAP before you advance is that understood?"

"Sir yes sir!" We all said.

"Good, now move out! The rest of you split up and patrol the area, make sure there's no innie's around here, I want a full perimeter sweep and sitrep before sunset!" The Major said, ordering the other marines.

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