3: So What Is It?

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THREE | So What Is It?

"Are you fine now?" Taehyung asks Jin, sitting right across from him inside his own study. It's been almost an hour now since Jin has almost collapsed on his daughter's carpeted floor, but thanks to his fast reflexes, he immediately caught him. Jin is holding his second glass of premium brandy while he waits for him to say something.

"I'm fine, I just need some time to digest all of this. I mean, it's not everyday that you get to know there's someone out there in this world who looked exactly like you, is it? What's crazier is that we're both living in the same country and are just two provinces away from each other!" Jin exclaims.

"I know."

"Just a passing thought though. How come I never saw your husband's face being plastered on or broadcasted all over the media? Ha. Come to think of it, I do remember people on the internet were speculating about his identity during your engagement period."

"Contrary with the way I was accustomed to, my husband Seojin and his family are very private people. They also come with money, but they value their privacy more. The only thing they requested of me was to maintain their privacy in order to continue to live their lives as normal as they possibly could. Who was I to not fulfill their request? I love Seojin, and I'd do anything just for him," Taehyung answers honestly.

"I see. Thank you for telling me. Sure, I believe your husband and I being identically alike is just a mere coincidence by the universe. I won't ask again about how he died, because just like you've said, you hate it when someone brings it up. I'm also pretty damn sure we're not some kind of a missing child/kidnapped baby cold case, because after listening to you, I can see that they're pretty decent people who I think won't stoop low by stealing someone else's child to raise as their own. And if ever one of their children was indeed kidnapped, then they would've searched for him or her as they have the resources to do so like you say."

"Fair point well made. But you, being your name is Seokjin and my husband was Seojin, do you still think it's also just a mere coincidence?"

"Why not? There's so many Seokjins and Seojins all around the country. Again, I believe it's just another coincidence that me and him were named just that," Jin shrugs as Taehyung looks at him skeptically.

"If you say so."

Jin stands up from the leather couch he's been sitting on. "It's getting kinda late now, Mr. Kim. I need to go home."

"Seokjin, abou-"

"If you're worried about me running off to tell your story to the first person who'll pay and listen, then don't be. I'll go straight to my house, order myself a takeout for my late dinner, watch the latest episode of the current drama I'm watching on TV, and then I'm going to sleep as if today has never happened."

"You've misunderstood me again, Jin," Taehyung tsks.

"Then what do you want from me, Mr. Kim?" Jin asks directly as he stares right through Taehyung.

"I want to-"


"Come in!"

Neither Taehyung nor Jin looks away from each other as the door eases open. Somi enters the room, clearing her throat when she realises that the two men are just staring at each other, waiting for her to say something other than to gawk at the two of them.

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