just how i remember

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Namjoon sighed to himself as he followed Taeil off of the plane, feet hitting the tarmac with a sense of finality.
Taeil didn't say much as they quickly walked through the airport, flying through customs and baggage before meeting Hoseok and Yoongi in the large waiting area.
Hoseok squeals when he sees them, earning a smack on the back of his head from Yoongi, a warning not to draw attention to them.
Namjoon laughs as Hoseok pouts, but gives him a hug and smiles as his face changes.
"How was it?" Hoseok asks, excitedly grabbing a bag from Namjoon, "Was it amazing? Please tell me it worked."
"I literally talked to you this morning about the trip?" Namjoon tells his excited friend. Hoseok rolls his eyes as Yoongi chuckles, grabbing a bag from Taeil before leading them toward the parking garage.
"Hope, it was good, I think I can get a few songs done now," Namjoon says, patting Hoseok's arm.
Hoseok beams at him, doing a funny little hop skip thing as they follow Yoongi and Taeil into the elevator.
Yoongi watches with a tiny smile on his face as Hoseok talks Namjoon's ear off, excited that Namjoon was getting out of his creative rut.

Three hours later, Taeil was at home relaxing, and Namjoon had found his way into his studio at the company, staring at his computer screen and recording equipment.
He turns as a knock sounds at the door and Yoongi lets himself in.
"Hey, Hyung," Namjoon says softly as Yoongi flops onto the couch, quiet as a mouse. Namjoon waits patiently for the older to be ready to ask his question. Yoongi never came to his studio unless he had something to ask Namjoon that was serious.
"Did anything happen with Jin?" Yoongi finally breaks the silence in the studio and Namjoon chuckles to himself, leaning back in his chair for this discussion.
Yoongi just looked at him with steady eyes.
"No," Namjoon finally answers, "Nothing really happened with him. I mean part of it was getting to know him again. It was weird, knowing how close we used to be and then not having talked to him in so long."
Yoongi nods, waiting for more. Namjoon thought for a long moment, Yoongi know he needed to talk this out with someone, and that person could never be Hoseok. As much as the two loved him, he was too excitable for the calm talks Yoongi and Namjoon liked to have.
"I still love him, Yoongi," Namjoon finally confesses, and Yoongi smiles slightly before sitting up.
"I thought that might be the case," He says softly, "What is the next step?"
Namjoon shakes his head, "I don't know, he's in Japan. I'm here. I wouldn't want to subject him to the fan's opinions, and I don't want any hypothetical relationship to affect our careers."
Yoongi watches his tall friend for a long moment, "Does he like you?"
Namjoon laughs, resting his head back against his chair, "I don't know. As a friend definitely, as more than that I have no idea. Probably not."
"Did you talk about the pact?" Yoongi asks a mischievous look crossing his face.
"I think he wanted to honor it," Namjoon whispers, slightly terrified at the idea.
Yoongi cackles, falling over on the couch again, "Then he likes you, Joonie."
Namjoon rolls his eyes, "I can't agree with you. We just made an agreement as kids, and he was doing the right thing about it. That doesn't mean that he wants to marry me because he loves me."
Yoongi just keeps laughing on the couch, getting comfortable as if about to go to sleep. Namjoon sighs, watching Yoongi burrow into the couch, he wouldn't be leaving for a while. The older was going to fall asleep and stay in this room until Hoseok came looking for his small cat Hyung.
Hoseok did come by later that day, the sun had already set, and Yoongi had been asleep for several hours when Hoseok pushed the door open with his elbow, loudly announcing his arrival in the room.
"I brought us all takeout!" He grins at Yoongi's sleeping form and the back of Namjoon's head and then glares at them until Namjoon turned around, giving him their attention.
"Hey, sorry, did I keep you all waiting?" Taehyung steps into the studio behind Hoseok, sounding slightly out of breath, as if he had run up the several flights of stairs from the practice rooms.
"No, I just got here," Hoseok says, finally putting the bags of food onto the small table in the studio, "Your boyfriend is still asleep."
Taehyung looks to the couch where Hoseok had gestured and grins at the curled-up form still sound asleep, "He's so cute."
Namjoon sighs and rolls his chair over to the small table, opening the bags of food.
"Welcome back Joon-Hyung," Taehyung says softly in his natural voice.
"Thanks, Tae, how are your dance practices going?" Namjoon asks, pulling a box of fried rice out of the bag, the smell of the food bringing his hunger to the front of his mind.
"They could be better, I admit," Taehyung says with a sigh. He slightly lifts Yoongi's upper body and slides underneath him, carefully resting the older man's head on his leg.
"I'm sure you'll get it down soon," Namjoon assures the youngest, watching as Yoongi somehow curls into Taehyung further.
"I hope you are right!" Taehyung says with a smile, accepting the box of noodles from Hoseok.
"Let me know if you need pointers," Hoseok pats him on his shaggy hair and sits down on the empty space on the couch, slightly nudging Yoongi's feet out of his way.
Taehyung thanks him and Yoongi stirs awake, slowly opening his eyes.
They let him wake up slowly and then hand him some food as Taehyung asks about Namjoon's trip and they eat all of the food Hoseok had brought with him.

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