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Izuku lay atop the stone wall, basking in the warmth of the sunlight. Below him was a stream of wanna be Heros. The looks of hope and joy on their faces made him sick to the stomach. He was quite tempted to hack up a hair ball and drop it on one of the brats bellow, but that would probably go against why Nezu summoned him here.

"Hey Tamaki, look!" A blonde boy shouted, pointing at Izuku. "Even a little kitty like her wants to be a Hero!"

'Kitty? Hero?' Izuku thought, absolutely outraged at the blonde's assumptions. He was a powerful demon who fought by Lucifer's side during his rebellion. He was not a kitty! And he certainly was not a Hero.

Izuku turned away, the bell around his neck ringing as he did. He may not be allowed to harm students in any form, but somehow he was going to make that particular boy's life living hell.

'Fucking blood oaths, always stopping me from having fun.'


Momo Yaozarouzu sat patiently, her hands folded politely on her lap. Today her family was meant to be having a very important guest, though her father hadn't exactly said who it was going to be.

"Are you excited?" Her mother asked. "Today is going to be a very important day for you."

Momo slightly tilted her head in interest. So, does that mean this guest has something to do with her?

"Is our little angel ready?" Her father asked from the front door.

"She is."

Moments later a tall, bulky and imposing figure entered the house. Momo's eyes widened in excitement at the sight of her favorite Hero.

"Ha ha ha! Never fear young Yaozarouzu, for I am here!" All Might bellowed.

Several minutes went by in which All Might and her parents discussed normal everyday topics, much to the young girls boredom. If this is all they were going to do, then why was she here? Fortunately, she received an answer to her question quite soon.

"Young Yaozarouzu." All Might said. "Your parents have told me that you are quite interested in pursuing a career in Heroics. Is that true?"

"Yes." Momo replied.

"That is a mighty fine career choice. However, you do know that it will not be easy. You will have to fight everyday for the rest of your life. Once you become a Hero, your life is no longer yours to save."

"I know."

"Mmmm. Why is it that you desire to be a Hero?"

"Beacuse the current system we have now is very flawed and I want to fix it. No offense."

"None taken." All Might replied with a chuckle.

"You have an enormous goal ahead of you. You will have to fight your way up to the top of you wish to implement that goal of yours."

"I am well aware."

All Might then leaned back in his seat, seemingly in thought. No one dared make a noise during those five minutes.

"Young Yaozarouzu, I do believe you'll be a fine good Hero and I am willing to guide you along your journey. Now what do you say, will you be my pupil?"

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